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Robots are the future? Envisioning Robotics

Unleashing Robotics: A Glimpse into the World’s Future.

Yashaswini Sarangi
Published in
7 min readJul 14, 2023


Haven’t we all dreamed of having a personal robot companion, ready to assist you with all aspects of life?

Well, while the idea of having one may sound very appealing and futuristic, we are still far from achieving that level of sophistication portrayed in science fiction.

Image: Imagine a world where robots work alongside us, not as distant entities, but as interactive companions.

“The robots are coming, whether we like it or not, and will change our economy in dramatic ways. We have to make sure that everyone benefits from that.” — Bill Gates, Microsoft founder.

Over the past few decades, robotics has emerged as a game-changing field with the potential to revolutionize various aspects of our lives. Robots are becoming more and more sophisticated, intelligent & capable of performing tasks that were once thought to be impossible.

Let’s start from the beginning, shall we?

A robot is any machine that is designed and programmed to do a complex series of actions. The world’s first robot Unimate, short for “Universal Automation”, made its debut in 1961. This pioneer of industrial robots was developed by George Devol and Joseph Engelberger.

It was controlled by a computer, allowing it to follow programmed instructions. Unimate used hydraulic power to execute its movements, making it a robust machine for heavy-duty tasks, and was later installed in general motor production.

Image: World’s first robot — Unimate and the World’s most advanced & humanoid robot — Ameca

Oh sorry, did I forget to introduce you to Ameca, the most advanced robot?

Ameca is a humanoid robot, created & designed by Engineered Arts to imitate a human being. It can interact with humans and respond to queries and orders thanks to generative artificial intelligence. It is embedded with really strong biological notions and hence possesses a range of expressions like happy, sad, surprised, disappointment, scrunching its nose, and even winking at you!

Here is a fun fact: The smartest Artificial Intelligence Robot — Sophia created in 2016, is the first robot to achieve citizenship.

You can feed your curiosity about robots with these reference links:

More about Ameca & how it’s built.
Sophia: Advanced Humanoid Robot launched in February 2016.

Blueprint to Robotics: How are AI Robots Built?

Just like our body is designed in a way that it can easily adapt to any condition. We have muscles, sensors, brain & energy to activate all other body parts. Similarly, the anatomy of robots contains the same components.

Robots namely have sensors for inputs & navigation, control systems for decision making & end effectors for outputs. But, it isn’t as easy as it sounds.

Image: Sophia and its machinery

What sets robots apart from other machines is their ability to sense & detect patterns and respond to their surroundings. They can gather data from their sensors, analyze it, and make decisions or take actions based on that information.

The robot’s controller often referred to as its brain processes sensory information & interprets the received signals. A computer program runs & coordinates some sort of response to give the robot a detailed set of commands to follow.

Regarding Motion control, The robot’s mechanical parts (motors, pistons, grippers, wheels & gears) are powered to facilitate the movement and execute necessary physical actions for the completion of the task. In this aspect, Machine Learning is a gift to robotics as it enables obstacle awareness and dynamic interaction.

How do Robots work?

From humanoid robots to swarm robotics, the evolution of these mechanical marvels has been nothing short of astonishing. Robots operate through a re-programmable brain that can be fed a vast amount of data, allowing them to perform tasks based on exactly what they have learned. It operates on the acquired algorithms, thus having minimal errors. Robots only do what they are programmed to be done.

Image: Motion retargeting, motion imitation, and domain adaptation.

Advanced capabilities such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms enhance the precision and efficiency of robots. These techniques enable computer vision(CV), object recognition, and adaptability to learn from experience. Additionally, image annotation techniques and semantic segmentation assist robots in understanding complex images while natural language processing (NLP) enables communication with humans. These innovative tools synergistically drive the rise of robotics technology & its endless possibilities.

In the future, robots and humans will live co-independently. So, the goal is to make robots less intimidating and more human-like keeping the intelligence of the robot in place. We can safely say, Robots are here to stay.

What do you say at a robot funeral? Rust in peace.

Robots Adapting to Human Jobs:

Image: In not so distant future, will robots be our trusted companions or formidable rivals, challenging our very existence?

Robots mark a completely new era of automation and technological innovation ready to disrupt every possible institution of human civilization & the rise may indeed impact the job market. It is widely recognized that intelligent robots surpass human capabilities & hence there’s a possibility of job displacement in certain industries particularly in areas where machines can efficiently carry out repetitive or routine tasks.

“Robotics is not about replacing humans; it’s about empowering them to reach new heights and explore uncharted territories.” — Vijay Kumar, Indian roboticist.

Robots don’t simply replace jobs; they transform them. By taking on specific tasks, robots enable humans to concentrate on more intricate and strategic aspects of their work. The collaboration between humans and robots enhances productivity and efficiency, hence leading to overall economic growth and job creation in new industries.

Future of Robots:

The current global scenario widespread prevalence of innovations like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and robotics in all fields from healthcare, transportation, automobiles, and spacecraft, the list can go quite long. There is almost no area of our lives that robotics cannot revolutionize.

Let’s delve into a glimpse of the exciting future possibilities for robotics in various domains.

1)Industry & Warehouses-

Warehouses and big companies require substantial manpower for transportation & physical labor. Robotic Process Automation(RPA) is a well-known technology used to automate manual tasks.

We have already established the robot’s capabilities & intelligence. Thus, there are ongoing plans to deploy robots in industries such as mining, construction & many more where they are meticulously trained to handle inventories, transport goods & work independently even in hazardous conditions thereby reducing accidents.

Image: Robots used in Warehouses to perform repetitive & hazardous tasks.

Equipped with high-tech- visual, auditory & thermal sensors that recognize & automate labor-intensive processes, boosting productivity. This helps in reducing the reliance on human labor and enabling them to concentrate on complex & value-added services.

2)Transport & Spacecraft-

The future of transportation will be revolutionized by robotics, particularly, self-driving cars. While fully autonomous cars aren’t a reality yet, who wouldn’t be intrigued to own a car where you don’t have to worry about changing lanes or automatic braking?

Image: Robotics has opened up a world of possibilities with the iconic innovation of self-driving cars, transforming the way we move and navigate our surroundings.

Autonomous drones and delivery robots will transform the logistics and e-commerce sectors, enabling faster and more efficient delivery of goods.

Image: Microgravity Robotics used in space exploration that assists astronauts.

Additionally, robotics will play a crucial role in the realm of space exploration, with robotic rovers & probes being deployed for tasks such as planetary exploration, collecting data about celestial bodies, and maintenance of space stations.


Image: Autonomous Agricultural Robots used in farming practices.

The progress of AI enables us to gather information on farm activities and automate them, leading to the development of robot farmers. The wide range of tasks performed by the robots would include irrigation, seed distribution, pest control, harvesting, and monitoring the health conditions of the plants; you name it, and you have it. Robotics in agriculture aims to reduce labor efforts, ensure high yields & lower operational costs, thus, stepping toward farm success.


Image: Robots that help doctors perform complicated surgeries with more accuracy & minimal scarring

Healthcare is another field where we will get to witness significant advancements in robotics. Robots can perform surgeries with the least incisions & reducing the risks of complications. Additionally, robots can assist with rehabilitation and physical therapy, helping individuals recover from injuries or disabilities quicker.

Here’s an insightful youtube video that I came across-

Advancements of Robots in the Healthcare Industries.

For example, the famous Da Vinci surgical Robot, created by Intuitive Surgical has successfully carried out over 8.5 million procedures(2021). It features a high-definition 3D camera that provides surgeons with a clear & magnified view of the surgical site. Although not fully autonomous, it empowers surgeons to maintain control & perform minimally invasive surgeries with improved precision and supports patients’ fast recovery.


To wrap it up, the rise of robots heralds a new era in technology and automation. Robots continue to evolve and become integral parts of various industries & hold the potential to create a world that is more advanced & more convenient in the upcoming years.

Image: What have we learned so far?

“The fascinating world of robotics sparks our imagination, reminding us that human creativity knows no bounds.” — Hiroshi Ishiguro, Innovators

However, as we embrace this future, it is essential to ensure that the integration of robots aligns with our values and fosters a sustainable world. From redefining the way we work and live, robots are the new wave of innovation that has promised to shape a fascinating future. As we continue to explore the endless potential of robots, we can expect to witness even greater advancements in Robotics.

Who knows, maybe one day we will be able to build a personal companion robot, like we dreamt of as children?

