Unlocking the Power of AI: Exploring Machine Learning in BARD and Chat GPT

Mitul Goswami
Published in
6 min readMay 25, 2023

Hey Guys! Recently Google also launched its own chatbot with the name BARD. So, Step aside, human poets! Bard and Chat GPT are using the power of machine learning to craft natural language. In this blog, we will discuss the machine-learning techniques that are being used to make such AI tools.

Image: Humans connecting to AI Chatbots!

The Machine Learning Algorithms Used in Bard and Chat GPT

Both Bard and ChatGPT are large language models (LLMs) that have been trained on vast text and code datasets. They employ machine learning to generate text, translate languages, create other types of creative material, and provide informed answers to your inquiries.

Although the machine learning techniques utilized in Bard and ChatGPT are similar, there are some significant distinctions. Bard is trained using a text and code dataset created exclusively for conversation applications. This implies that Bard is better at creating human-like writing and conversing with humans. ChatGPT, on the other hand, is trained on a larger text and code dataset. This implies that ChatGPT is better at a broader range of activities, such as text generation, language translation, and creative content creation.

Both Bard and Chat GPT’s LLMs are based on deep learning, a machine learning that uses artificial neural networks to learn from data. Deep learning has been demonstrated to be extremely successful for a wide range of applications, including natural language processing, image recognition, and speech recognition. Chatbots like Chat GPT utilize several machine learning algorithms and techniques to generate responses and engage in conversations. In chatbots, NNs are widely employed for sequence-to-sequence learning. They can handle variable-length input sequences and are well-suited for jobs involving sequential data, such as natural language processing.

Popular RNN variations used in chatbots include Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU). Transformer architectures are usually employed because they use self-attention mechanisms to capture dependencies between words in a sentence, enabling a better understanding of context and generating more coherent responses. The GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) series, including ChatGPT and BARD, are based on the Transformer architecture.

Image: Understanding Deep Learning model (source: analyticsvidhya.com)

Unsupervised learning approaches are used to pre-train Chat GPT and similar chatbot models on large-scale datasets. The model learns to anticipate the next word in a phrase during pre-training by capturing grammar, syntax, and contextual connections. This assists the model in gaining a general comprehension of language. Using supervised learning using human-generated dialogue data, the model is fine-tuned on specific downstream tasks, such as chatbot dialogues, after pre-training.

In chatbot training, reinforcement learning may be used to optimize and improve discourse creation. The chatbot interacts with a simulated or real environment, gaining feedback (rewards) for its created replies, by framing discourse creation as a reinforcement learning issue. The model learns to maximize the reward signal, resulting in more effective and context-aware responses. To add finishing touches to the chatbots, techniques like Attention Mechanisms are used. While generating replies, attention methods allow the model to focus on specific sections of the input sequence. They assist the model in assigning differing degrees of priority to certain words or tokens based on their relevance to the present context. Attention processes improve the chatbot’s capacity to comprehend and respond to human input.

Collectively, these machine learning algorithms and approaches allow chatbots like Chat GPT and BARD to interpret normal language, create meaningful replies, and participate in interactive discussions with users.

The Benefits of Using Bard and Chat GPT

Both Bard and Chat GPT are capable of performing a wide range of functions. Bard excels in natural talks, whereas Chat GPT excels at a broader range of jobs. The best choice for you will depend on your specific needs.

Chatbots supported by powerful natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms, such as BARD and Chat GPT, have various advantages:

Natural and engaging interactions: Chat GPT chatbots may participate in natural language discussions, making the experience more human-like and dynamic. They can comprehend user inputs, assess context, and provide pertinent replies, allowing the dialogue to run more easily.

24x7 Availability: AI chatbots may function around the clock, providing consumers with immediate support and help at any time. This accessibility boosts consumer satisfaction and allows firms to appeal to a worldwide audience across many time zones.

Image: Benefits of ChatGPT (source:nix-united.com)

User profiling and personalization: Chat GPT chatbots may learn from user interactions and gain information to personalize the discussion. They can adjust replies and suggestions to specific users by analyzing user preferences, behaviour, and previous data, resulting in a more personalized experience.

Continuous learning and improvement: AI chatbots may be trained and fine-tuned using user feedback. This iterative learning process enables them to increase their performance over time, adjust to new situations, and improve their comprehension and responsiveness.

Data-driven insights: Chat GPT and BARD generate valuable user interactions, preferences, and behaviour data. By analyzing this data, businesses can gain insights into customer needs, pain points, and trends, enabling them to improve their products, services, and marketing strategies.

Well… Every rose has its thorns, and every chatbot has its quirks.

Let Us See a Few Limitations of BARD and Chat GPT

Lack of emotional intelligence: Chatbots have a difficult time understanding and responding to human emotions, sarcasm, humour, or nuanced emotional nuances. on the other hand, humans, have emotional intelligence, which allows them to empathize, connect, and give nuanced assistance to others experiencing various emotions.

Limited context comprehension: Chatbots may struggle to understand complicated contexts, confusing inquiries, or subtle hints that people readily understand. Humans are better able to manage complex interactions because they can infer meaning, interpret suggested information, and recognize underlying purpose.

Lack of intuition and creativity: Chatbots struggle to exhibit intuition or creative problem-solving skills. They rely on predefined algorithms and data patterns to generate responses, lacking the ability to think outside the box or provide innovative solutions. Humans, with their intuition and creativity, can approach problems from various angles, explore novel ideas, and generate unique solutions.

Need for human oversight: Chatbots require careful monitoring and human oversight to ensure accurate and ethical responses. They can sometimes generate inappropriate or biased content due to limitations in training data or exposure to harmful inputs. Humans can exercise judgment, filter information, and intervene when necessary to maintain ethical standards and prevent misinformation or harm.

The Future of Bard and Chat GPT

Although Bard and Chat GPT are still under development, they can potentially change how we connect with computers. AI chatbots have the potential to revolutionize many parts of our life in the future. Chatbots are expected to grow smarter, providing more human-like interactions and comprehension. Natural language processing and machine learning advances will allow chatbots to understand and answer complicated inquiries, adapt to different circumstances, and even identify and respond to human emotions. These chatbots might evolve into personalized virtual assistants, effortlessly merging with our daily routines, making proactive recommendations, and supporting us with a variety of activities. Chatbots may gain greater topic expertise as deep learning, reinforcement learning, and knowledge representation continue to progress, making them important tools in areas such as healthcare, banking, and customer service.

