From Mind to Machine : Weaponizing AI

Dibyojyoti Deb
Published in
6 min readOct 23, 2023

Artificial Intelligence, an evolving field of both scientific and technological enhancement, is yet an aspect new to mankind and is still under development. In recent years, we have witnessed major breakthroughs in the usage of AI. AI tools such as chatbots, analytical and statistical comparators, real time navigators, algorithm based sensors, etc. have helped to ease our lives greatly. With this idea of innovation came along the desire of incorporating AI in the weapons used in wars and battles to curtail the loss of human lives.

How is AI being used currently in weapons ?

  • Weapons such as autonomous drones, smart missiles, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) systems, etc. use AI algorithms that make them efficient in engaging desired targets.
  • In addition to these types of weapons, AI is also being used to develop new and improved ways to design, manufacture, and test weapons. To exemplify, AI can be used to simulate the performance of weapons in different environments and to identify potential design flaws which helps in risk assessments associated with the usage of the weapon in concern in battlefields.
Weaponization of AI

AI — Algorithm Incorporation

What good would AI ever be without its special algorithms that are put in use to diversify its usage when designing such weapons ? To ensure risk mitigation and proper functioning of the weapons, the scientists have come up with a few new and famous algorithms. A few are mentioned below :

  1. Proportional Navigation (PN) System — It is a homing missile guidance system that has been designed to keep the proportional error between the missile’s line of sight to the target and the missile’s velocity vector constant.
  2. Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) — It is an algorithm which is designed to minimize the deviations of the missiles from their desired trajectory.
  3. Model Predictive Control (MPC) — MPC is a receding horizon control algorithm that predicts the future behavior of the system and computes the optimal control inputs to achieve the desired goals. It is primarily put to use when the missiles are being deployed in unknown regions and areas where uncertainty persists.
  4. Reinforcement learning (RL) — It is a machine learning technique that allows agents to learn how to behave in an environment to maximize a reward. It is mostly used to emphasize over moving targets.

In addition to the aforementioned algorithms, a few other algorithms are sensor fusion, target tracking, terrain mapping and countermeasure avoidance algorithms which prove to be very agile and are helpful in events of wars. A few weapons that use AI in them are :

  1. Aegis Weapon System (AWS)
  2. Phalanx Close-In Weapon System (CIWS)
  3. Israeli Iron Dome system
  4. Russian S-400 system
  5. Chinese HQ-9 system
Russian S-400 Automated Missile System
Phalanx CISW Automated Missiles

Expanding the Realm of Applicability

Not only weapons, but other aspects of concerns are also being modified using AI.

  • Unmanned vehicle technology like that of Tesla are being applied to war tanks
  • Military drones are being developed and tested to better navigate, coordinate and exploit incomprehensible areas
  • Equipment such as binoculars, thermal detectors, body-armors, communication systems, etc. are also being advanced simultaneously and all this to aid and secure the lives of the combatants in war zones.

Furthermore, various countries are attempting to develop defense mechanisms which can identify and engage incoming targets that pose a threat to public safety. This step is believed to be very helpful as it would greatly reduce the undesired collateral damage that follows war. Also, server mainframes are being strengthened by adding algorithms to them that would detect malicious malware or viruses capable of breaching into the system to extract sensitive information.

Beyond Borders and Boundaries

Many nations are in collaboration to develop AI weapons and tools that would ensure public safety and welfare of the society in total. The main concern that bothers many are :

  • Can we rely upon fully autonomous weapons systems blindly ?
  • What is the guarantee that these weapons would be absolutely flawless given that it is an evolving field of technology still under research and development ?
  • What would happen if these weapons started behaving wrongly ?
Dangers associated with AI weapons

Addressing the concerns

  • The United Nations are in discussion of the possible guidelines and norms that can be put in place to be followed while developing these classes of weapons. These laws are believed to uphold and safeguard the International Humanitarian Laws (IHL) and ensure that the AI based weapons do not engage and target civilians or harm individuals un-deemed.
  • The office of the UNODA (United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs) also suggests that fail-safe measures such as a kill-switch must be added to AI based war-bots and weapons, so that in events of loss of control over them, they can be remotely deactivated.
  • Furthermore, it is vital that a peace-keeping squad of knowledgeable men equipped with the latest technical knowhow be set up who would be responsible to prevent possible threats against public safety and ensure that the risks persistent to the illegal use of AWS can be mitigated. These men will also be entrusted with the responsibility to check for malfunctions, if any are present and also update and upgrade the system for offering better functionality.
The United Nations

Stance of our Scientists and Innovators

  • Even with the best intentions and precautions in their minds, scientists are still in trepidation of deploying LAWS (Lethal Autonomous Weapon System) and AWS (Autonomous Weapons System) class of weapons, which function without human intervention on the battlefield.
  • Experts in the field of AI and technology also deem it unfit that weapons without human control be deployed in war. These weapons are feared to cause mass destruction and might prove to be fatal.

But, with the advancements and breakthroughs being made daily in the field of Artificial Intelligence, there seems to be a hope that someday in the future, designing and deploying such weapons would be practically feasible.

All That Lies Ahead…

With dense research, scientists and AI experts are working hand in hand to bring about ideas that can help soldiers on the battlefield.

  • They are working in technologies that would assist soldiers in an unknown terrain, would guide them about the basic first aid medications to be offered to injured combatants, and various other such measures to help reduce collateral damage encountered during wars.
  • Also, rigorous efforts are being made to prevent cyberattacks and detect bugs that could be of potential danger to sensitive server mainframes and governmental websites storing classified military information.

In the years ahead, humanity looks forward to Artificial Intelligence being deployed to maintain tranquility, promote peace and discourage war. Also, algorithms and machine learning techniques are being worked upon daily to ensure the mitigation of unlawful activities being conducted by militant organizations around the world and aid the military of various nations to fight against the miscreants that disturb peace. With proper laws and guidelines and in presence of a legally-binding instrument, we may be able to come up with weapons, defense mechanisms, bots, tools and other such autonomous weapons that would assist in the welfare of the global community.



Dibyojyoti Deb
Writer for

Enthusiastic writer and poet. Currently an engineering undergrad in KIIT University, Bhubaneshwar