mSamex Traders Plan: A Path to Shared Success

Published in
3 min readOct 2, 2023

Are you ready to embark on a journey where traders and investors unite, profit together, and build a thriving trading community? Look no further than the mSamex Traders Plan. In this blog post, we’ll take you through the intricacies of this groundbreaking feature and how it’s reshaping the world of cryptocurrency trading.

The Foundation: Traders and Investors Collaboration

At mSamex, we recognize that traders are at the core of our platform’s success. They bring expertise, strategies, and the potential for profit. To leverage this potential fully, we’ve introduced the Traders Plan, where traders and investors work hand in hand.

Initial Token Offering (ITO): Tokens as a Representation of Plans

Here’s how it starts: traders create trading plans using custom tokens. These tokens are then offered to the community through an Initial Token Offering (ITO). Each token represents a share in the trading plan. Investors, who are part of the traders’ community, have the chance to invest in these tokens during the ITO phase.

Trader Profit Share: Motivating Success

Traders set a profit-sharing percentage for their trading plan. This percentage represents their reward for successful trading within the plan. It’s a win-win, as traders are incentivized to generate profits while investors stand to gain from their success.

Plan Duration and Trading: The Heart of the Action

Traders execute their strategies within the defined time frame of their plan. This is where the magic happens, as traders use their expertise to make well-informed trading decisions aimed at generating a profit for the plan.

Shared Profits and Token Buyback: Fairness in Action

At the end of the plan’s duration, if the trader has grown the initial fund, they receive their predetermined profit share. But that’s not all. mSamex ensures fairness by distributing the remaining funds to token holders, buying tokens back from investors. This process guarantees that all participants benefit proportionally.

Expanding Opportunities for Traders: From One to Many

Successfully completing the first plan with a profit opens doors for traders. They gain the ability to create and manage multiple plans and tokens, further expanding their trading potential and influence within the mSamex community.

mSamex Investment: Supercharging Trader Success

mSamex is fully committed to traders’ success. We offer a unique opportunity by investing in traders’ plans. This additional investment capital provides traders with up to 3x of the funds collected from their community, enabling them to scale their strategies more effectively.

SAMX Monthly Commission Pool: Sharing the Wealth

Profits generated from traders’ plans, including the returns from mSamex’s investments, contribute to the SAMX monthly commission pool. This pool is used for monthly airdrops to SAMX token holders, creating a cycle of shared success and ensuring the entire community benefits.

In conclusion, mSamex’s Traders Plan isn’t just about trading; it’s about creating a dynamic and inclusive ecosystem where traders and investors collaborate, profit together, and build a brighter future. Join us at mSamex and become part of this exciting journey where shared success is the ultimate goal. Together, we can achieve more than we ever thought possible.

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