What is DAO?

Published in
2 min readNov 9, 2023

A Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) is a type of organization that operates without a central authority and is managed by computer code. DAOs take the decentralization aspect of cryptocurrencies a step further. They typically run on blockchain networks that support smart contracts, such as Ethereum.

The fundamental principle behind DAOs is to remove decision-making processes from the control of authority figures or centralized institutions and replace them with an automated system or a crowd-sourced process. The first step in this process usually involves allowing individuals from around the world to anonymously contribute funds. In return, participants receive tokens that grant them voting rights in potential projects. This funding process is often referred to as “tokenization.”

DAOs gained significant attention in 2016 when “The DAO” conducted one of the largest crowdfunding events in the ecosystem’s history. However, a significant cyberattack led to the theft of a substantial amount of the funds. This event resulted in a hard fork of the Ethereum network to mitigate the impact of the hack. Despite this setback, DAOs continued to grow in popularity and efforts were made to enhance their security.

The future of DAOs remains uncertain. Concerns regarding security, legality, and structural issues exist. Still, a considerable portion of the crypto community views DAOs in a positive light. Some analysts even believe that DAOs have the potential to replace traditional organizational structures. This concept represents an intriguing and significant development in the world of blockchain and cryptocurrency.

