For Support Professionals, the Blueprint Means More Opportunities and More Respect

Let’s give all our kids — and all our educators — the future they deserve

Maryland Educators
MSEA Newsfeed
3 min readFeb 14, 2020


Passing the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future won’t just make a big difference for Maryland teachers and students — it will be a game-changer for Maryland education support professionals too.

The Blueprint will send additional funding to school systems that can translate into much-needed raises for support professionals, and also dedicates funding to hiring thousands of new educators — including ESP — to better support students and reduce caseloads.

Right now in Annapolis, elected officials are deciding how to update the state’s school funding formula for the first time in nearly 20 years. The funding formula will determine just how well Maryland will be able to implement the Blueprint’s critical education reforms — reforms our schools and students need.

Check out this video to hear from MSEA President Cheryl Bost and Brit Kirwan, the former chancellor of the University of Maryland System and the chair of the Kirwan Commission, whose recommendations are the foundation of the Blueprint. Visit MSEA’s Facebook page for news, information, and helpful videos about the Blueprint.

Passing the Blueprint Means:

  • Expanded career and technical education that will give more students the opportunity to graduate with industry certifications
  • Increased education support professional and teacher pay
  • Thousands of new teachers and ESP resulting in increased individual attention for students and more teachers, paras, and assistants
  • Early intervention for struggling learners, including 1:1 and small group support
  • Increased special education funding to ensure all students get the support and attention they need
  • Expanded pre-k to serve four-year-olds as well as three-year-olds coming from poverty

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  • More mental health staffing to shrink the overwhelming caseloads faced by school counselors and psychologists
  • Expanded community schools to provide about one-third of all public school students and families with wraparound and other additional services
  • Equitable funding for all schools to ensure that every school community is treated fairly and equitably
  • More accountability to make sure new funding goes to classrooms, not central offices

It’s Time for Change

Right now, each of our schools is annually underfunded by $2 million on average. That holds back our ability to deliver adequate pay, adequate staffing, and the types of opportunities and programs that all students deserve. Updating the funding formula is the key to improving our schools and the lives of educators and students across the state.

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Maryland Educators
MSEA Newsfeed

MSEA is the 74,000-member Maryland affiliate of the National Education Association.