Inside MSEA: The 2017 General Assembly

Yes, we made great progress. But that’s only half the battle.

David Helfman
MSEA Newsfeed
2 min readApr 12, 2017


MSEA Executive Director David Helfman

It was exciting to see hundreds of MSEA activists brave the incoming storm last month to kick off the Week of Action at the March to Protect Our Schools. Thousands more members stepped up during the week to call and email their senators and delegates. Overall, member engagement in state-level advocacy for our public schools and students more than doubled this year. There can be no doubt, MSEA: Maryland educators are leading on the issues that matter for students and schools right here in Annapolis — where the policies that shape public education are made.

But when it comes to providing our students with a safe learning environment and giving our public schools the resources they need, a week of action just isn’t enough. If students are fearful of being bullied over their sexual orien- tation or gender identity, or that their families will be torn apart, who will provide a safe learning environment?

If their school buildings are unsafe, or inadequate funding results in overcrowded classrooms and overflowing caseloads for nurses and counselors, who will advocate for more resources? If students arrive at school hungry or sick, who will care for them?

Now that the General Assembly session is over, will we be able to rely on our governor and State Board of Education to deliver the protections and resources students need?

Reverend William Barber, president of the North Carolina NAACP and recipient of an NEA Human and Civil Rights Award, refers to these issues not as left against right or Republican vs. Democrat, but as imperatives that should be supported by all — as a choice between what’s morally right and what’s morally wrong.

Our challenge is to continue building on the momentum of our Week of Action and progress in the General Assembly by increasing our engagement at both the local and state levels. None of us like the scenarios I mentioned above; our mission as a union is to organize fellow educators, define our interests, and fight for the change we want for our students and schools.



David Helfman
MSEA Newsfeed

Executive Director, Maryland State Education Association