It’s Time to Protect Our Schools

Get ready to speak up during MSEA’s Week of Action

Adam Mendelson
MSEA Newsfeed
4 min readMar 7, 2017


You won’t know why Charles is wearing pink boxing gloves unless you watch…

Grab your planner now! Highlight March 13–17 and get ready to rumble for MSEA’s Week of Action. We’re taking on over-testing and the Trump/DeVos/Hogan privatization agenda with strong and united activism directed at your elected representatives.

Legislators need to hear from us now so pro-public education policy that supports teaching and learning wins the day.

Monday: March to Protect Our Schools in Annapolis

Take it from Lily. The March to Protect Our Schools is the place to be on March 13th.

More than 1,000 educators from all over Maryland will be there. NEA President Lily Eskelsen García will be there. Will you?

Here’s the plan:

1. Meet up with fellow educators at MSEA Headquarters at 140 Main Street at 5 p.m. and hear Lily, MSEA President Betty Weller, and some great public education champions.

2. March to the State House complex to visit the offices of senators and delegates.

3. Ask them to protect our schools. They want and need to hear from educators like you on the frontlines. Learn more and RSVP to join us by clicking here.

Tuesday: Wear Red for Public Ed and Make Calls for Less Testing

Educators from around the state participating in last year’s Wear Red for Less Testing Day.

In 2016, thousands of educators across Maryland wore red for less testing and called their legislators urging them to pass a 2% cap on the annual amount of instructional time used for standardized testing. The bill passed the House, but didn’t cross the finish line in the Senate.

Make this year the year we reduce testing! The Less Testing, More Learning Act has already passed the House of Delegates unanimously and now needs to pass the Senate.

Make it happen this year:

1. Favorite red shirt? Check.

2. Selfie on your cellphone? Check. Post with #ProtectMDschools? Check!

3. Make the call! Call your state senator at 1-888-520-6732 and ask them to pass the bill.

Wednesday: Say No to Privatizing Our Schools

With Maryland public schools underfunded by $2.9 billion according to a recent independent analysis, Gov. Hogan’s plan to send public school funding to private school vouchers and for-profit charters makes even less sense. Here’s why:

  1. 78% of students receiving vouchers last year were already enrolled in private schools.
  2. A recent New York Times report found that “research has emerged suggesting that private school vouchers may harm students who receive them. The results are startling — the worst in the history of the field, researchers say.” So vouchers don’t even actually work.
  3. He wants to send more money to charter schools than traditional public schools.

Say no! Call your legislators and ask them to oppose Gov. Hogan’s vouchers program and charter schools bill. Give them a call at 1–888–520–6732!

Thursday: Protect Our Schools

The Protect Our Schools Act is so important, we’re devoting two days of action to it. The bill prevents the State Board from privatizing our schools — a dangerous trend that is a hallmark of the Hogan/Trump/DeVos agenda.

Passage of the Protect Our Schools Act means we can:

1. Stop the State Board’s efforts to forcibly turn struggling schools into charter schools and/or redirect their funding to private school vouchers.

2. Dial back the overwhelming focus on standardized test scores as the be-all, end-all indicator of school success.

3. Increase the focus on class size, supportive school climates, and a broad, challenging curriculum that includes the arts.

If that sounds good to you, make sure to send your legislators an email today asking them to pass the Protect Our Schools Act.

Friday: Make It Rain with a Twitter Storm and Phone Calls

Are you on Twitter? Then all you have to do is click here and enter your address for pre-loaded tweets directed at your legislators and asking them to support the Protect Our Schools Act. Is it hard to do?

  1. Nope. It takes about 15 seconds to tweet them all. Go ahead, we’ll time you.
  2. That’s all.
  3. Really, that’s it.

Not on Twitter? No problem. Give your legislators a call at 1–888–520–6732 and ask them to pass the Protect Our Schools Act. This one will set you back 30 seconds, 45 tops.

Better yet, do both!

Thanks for stepping up and making sure that the voices of educators are heard. Here’s to a great Week of Action!



Adam Mendelson
MSEA Newsfeed

Communications director for the Maryland State Education Association (@MSEAeducators). Strong unions, strong schools, and strong opinions about the Red Sox.