The hidden power you didn’t know you had

Vivian Peng
MSF Passport
Published in
3 min readApr 27, 2017

I often say my job feels like trying to push a mountain. There’s Pfizer and GSK, these big pharmaceutical companies, and then there’s us… Doctors Without Borders/Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF).

For the past 2 years, we’ve been asking them to lower the price of their #1 selling vaccine–the pneumonia vaccine–because too many kids are dying from this preventable disease.

We’re essentially asking them to transform their bottom line from valuing profits to valuing kids’ lives. Not the easiest thing to do.

To me, this is a creative challenge. How do we design content and actions to raise awareness in order to mobilize a community behind this cause?

We explored new mediums, tried different approaches, and enjoyed getting to work together with our supporters. When we made a call to take action, you guys showed up, and together we’ve made progress. So on most days, my job is pretty fun.

Today is not one of those days.

Today we attended Pfizer’s annual shareholder meeting. It brought us face-to-face with their CEO and board members.

There, it was very clear what Pfizer’s bottom line is: maximizing profits for the company.

It’s hard not to feel discouraged after seeing this up close and personal. But I continue to believe, because we’ve seen firsthand that when people come together, change is possible. After all, the companies have already agreed to a significant price cut for humanitarian organizations like us.

We need to start speaking in terms that the companies care about (aka money talk). So that’s where you come in... yes, you.

You see… if you have a 401K plan or some kind of retirement fund, then you are likely to have money invested in Pfizer and or GSK.

Here’s how it works: You put money away in your 401K plan. Then your provider invests that money into a mutual fund. The asset manager of that fund choses which companies to invest in, and that could include Pfizer and GSK.

If Pfizer or GSK is in your portfolio, then you effectively have investments in the company. It may seem small and insignificant…

But if everyone in your fund comes together, then collectively, you actually hold a significant percentage of shares.

That’s not something Pfizer or GSK can easily ignore. So find out here if you have money in these companies, and please speak out:

Let’s use our investments to save for the future AND save children’s lives in the meantime.

I need your help pushing this mountain. Join me?




Vivian Peng
MSF Passport

Artist, activist, data scientist. Currently Lead Data Scientist at The Rockefeller Foundation. Formerly @ Mayor's of Los Angeles and Doctors Without Borders