Quickie #2: A modern Notepad

Mehedi Hassan
MSFT Space
Published in
2 min readFeb 2, 2017
Rethinking Notepad on Project NEON

This is a quick concept of a smart Notepad, based on the Universal Windows Platform. With a clean and modern user-interface, editing on Notepad has never been easier on Windows 10.

It has markdown support, so you can format things easily. It also has syntax highlighting for things like CSS, PHP, and HTML.

And there’s also a Focus Mode that makes it really easy to focus on what you’re writing, and the dark theme makes using Notepad
easier…a lot easier.

Here’s a light theme concept based on NEON:

Light-themed concept based on NEON

Here are a couple of other concepts based on MDL2:

Notepad based on MDL2
Alternative design, with a sidebar

