Quickie #4: My People

Mehedi Hassan
MSFT Space
Published in
1 min readApr 28, 2017

Guess who’s back? I’m back with a new quickie, this time NEON-izing My People — which just came to Insiders yesterday. Obviously, I added the blur to make it look like NEON but I decided to tweak the layout to make space for more content without destroying the looks. The above is the concept for the profile flyout, and the one below is the main My People flyout.

Here, we have a simple section with the frequent contacts where the profile images are circles — because, remember, people aren’t squares.

If I get sometime, I will do a full redesign of My People in the future. But for now, I hope you enjoyed the latest quickie. Fun fact, this is actually the fastest quickie I’ve ever designed — it took only 25 mins.

