Feeling Disheartened: Online Dating Over Forty

Understanding the Challenges of Finding a Genuine Connection

Dating Advice from DateSmart40
5 min readJul 26, 2024


A group of diverse people over forty engaging in a speed dating event, showing lively conversations and smiles

Entering the online dating scene can be exciting and hopeful, but it can also be challenging and disheartening. The reality of finding a genuine partner often involves sifting through many unsuitable matches and dealing with disappointments. Here’s a discussion about the difficulties and experiences of online dating over forty.

The Original Poster’s Dilemma

The OP, BackNBlack, expressed their frustration with the online dating scene after a few months of trying. They wrote:

“I was optimistic when I entered the dating scene a few months back but after a few months of OLD I’m feeling discouraged and disappointed with the current options for potential partners. In my experience, a lot of men are not looking for the same thing as I am — if they are, they carry excess baggage, have unhealed trauma, have toxic behaviors or are married. I really just want to find a man who is genuine, has his life together and comes from a similar situation. Someone who likes me for me & isn’t looking for the next best thing.. My confidence is waning & I’m struggling not to feel insecure. Anyone else? Is it like this for you men out there?”

Staying Hopeful Despite Challenges

Many daters shared their experiences and offered support, emphasizing that while online dating can be tough, staying hopeful and persistent is essential.

Belief in Finding the Right Person Wilde86 expressed their belief that finding the right person is still possible despite the difficulties:

“It’s really difficult, tbh. But I keep telling myself it just takes that one person. Hopefully, they’re out there somewhere.”

ThruWay added:

“I take a lot of breaks when I just can’t do it anymore. But re-started and so far I’ve met a few promising ones… The only way out is through unfortunately.”

Persistence and taking breaks when needed can help maintain hope and motivation in the search for a genuine connection.

The Reality of Men’s Experience

Some men shared their perspectives, highlighting the difficulties they face in online dating and the misconceptions about their experiences.

Challenges for Men Local_okie a male dater described the challenge of standing out among many messages:

“It so funny because so many men are looking for the same thing. Like there has to be a way for us to meet. Lol. It seems to me women get flooded with messages so it makes it difficult to sort through them all.”

The_Chunk added:

“Do you send out messages or just wait to receive? Most guys receive hardly any messages and get very low percentage responses so imagine how disheartening that is.”

Understanding that both men and women face unique challenges in online dating can foster empathy and patience.

Dealing with Disappointments

Many daters mentioned the frustration of dealing with inappropriate behavior and unrealistic expectations in online dating.

Inappropriate Messages and Ghosting One woman -Energy_Saver shared her experience of receiving inappropriate messages:

“Yes, so if we get five messages, at least half of those are inappropriate — speaking from personal experience only. The other half ghosts or can’t maintain a conversation.”

Realistic_Vibe54 commented on the lack of effort from potential matches:

“I get lots of likes but not lots of messages. So many on the apps don’t seem to be taking it seriously or don’t want to make any effort in getting to know someone.”

Setting boundaries and being selective can help manage the frustration of inappropriate behavior and ghosting.

Alternative Approaches to Finding Love

Some participants suggested exploring alternative methods to online dating, such as in-person events or taking breaks to focus on personal growth.

In-Person Events and Personal Growth Flash_Dash56 recommended in-person events:

“Best thing I did was get off the apps and meet men in person. Meet-ups, speed dating, singles events and trips etc. I feel like men take me more seriously in person, and are less likely to ghost because I actually know them in real life and run in familiar circles.”

Swim_Deep45 emphasized the importance of personal growth:

“When I start to feel like this, I take a break from OLD and focus on other things in my life that bring me joy. Otherwise, I fall into the pit of despair real easily.”

Exploring offline dating opportunities and focusing on personal fulfillment can provide a more balanced approach to finding a partner.

Online dating over forty can be a challenging and sometimes disheartening experience, but it’s important to remain hopeful and patient. Understanding that both men and women face difficulties, dealing with inappropriate behavior, and exploring alternative methods can help improve the experience.

Here’s what we’re taking away:

  • Stay Persistent: Keep trying, and remember that finding the right person takes time.
  • Be Selective: Set boundaries and be cautious of inappropriate behavior.
  • Explore Alternatives: Consider in-person events and personal growth activities.

Tips to Start the Conversation

Here are three ways to open the dialogue with your partner:

  • Share Your Frustrations: “I’ve been struggling with online dating and wanted to share my experiences with you.”
  • Discuss Expectations: “What are you looking for in a partner? I’d love to understand your perspective.”
  • Explore Alternatives Together: “How about we try some in-person events or activities together?”

Happy Dating!

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