Friends with Benefits: Setting Boundaries and Expectations

Understanding Friends with Benefits Dynamics in Modern Dating

Dating Advice from DateSmart40
4 min readJul 25, 2024


A person standing at a crossroads with signs indicating “Self-Worth” and “Toxic Relationship,” representing the decision to prioritize self-respect.

Modern dating often blurs the lines between friendship, romance, and physical intimacy. The concept of “friends with benefits” (FWB) can lead to complex emotional situations. In this blog, we explore a discussion thread where the original poster (OP) —Socksville seeks advice on handling a complicated FWB relationship.

Original Poster’s Dilemma:

The OP shared a challenging experience after sleeping with a good friend. Here’s their story:

I slept with a good friend of mine twice. But the day after the last time we slept together, she invited her friends for dinner. One of them she knows since her childhood and sleeps with. They made out in front of me and had sex in my housemate’s room. I got angry, said ‘fuck you,’ and didn’t talk to her anymore.

Three days later, she came to talk, apologized, and cried. She said she drinks too much and loses control. That day we had a long conversation and went out and watched a movie at night. Suddenly she was just on her phone. Then she went out for a call. She said she is leaving to see the other guy. She messaged me that I shouldn’t take it personally because he has mental issues at the moment.

I messaged her that I take it personally and that she prefers going to him especially after the fight. Then I messaged her we are done. That she has to work on her drinking and seeing other guys. I don’t want to get into anything toxic. Was I right or too hard? It’s difficult losing a friend I like.

Let’s dive into the responses and advice from the community.

Respect and Boundaries

Respect and boundaries are crucial in any relationship, especially in FWB dynamics. Many contributors emphasized the importance of setting clear boundaries and ensuring mutual respect.

TroopShi dater pointed out the lack of respect shown by the friend’s actions: “She invited her friends to your home and had sex with one of them at YOUR home? That shows not only a lack of respect but severe disrespect. You certainly did the right thing!

CryForit dater highlighted the importance of respecting one’s own boundaries: “Regardless and whatever the status of your connection with her, nobody with an ounce of sense, empathy, and basic human decency would flaunt other romantic or sexual connections in front of someone else they’re involved with.

Setting and maintaining boundaries is vital to ensure that both parties feel respected and valued.

Recognizing Red Flags

Recognizing red flags in a relationship can prevent further emotional harm. Several contributors noted the friend’s behavior as a red flag, indicating deeper issues.

Immortal-One dater shared their perspective on the friend’s disrespectful behavior: “She’s using you, man, and blaming mental issues.

Busy_Bee45 stressed the importance of recognizing actions over words: “Forget her words, her actions are telling you the truth. He sits above you on the totem pole and she will keep putting him first.

Recognizing red flags and taking appropriate action can help protect one’s emotional well-being.

Self-Worth and Moving On

Understanding and valuing one’s self-worth is crucial in any relationship. Many contributors advised the OP to prioritize their self-respect and move on from the toxic relationship.

One dater offered support for the OP’s decision: “Kudos on making one of the best decisions of your life.”

Steak_Eggs_6925 emphasized the importance of self-respect: “You did the right thing. Even though she’s free to sleep and flirt and see any guys she wants, making out in front of you and having sex with another guy in your place are totally INACCEPTABLE.

Prioritizing self-worth and making decisions that align with one’s values can lead to healthier and more fulfilling relationships.

Communication and Emotional Health

Clear communication and emotional health are essential in managing FWB relationships. Several contributors highlighted the importance of honest communication and addressing emotional well-being.

CryForUs pointed out the need for clear communication: “It doesn’t matter; he expressed his needs and boundaries clearly to her and that he was hurt by her actions.

Discuss_Share68 advised focusing on emotional health and avoiding toxic dynamics: “Stay away from (future) alcoholics. Why make your life a hell?

Effective communication and prioritizing emotional health can help navigate the complexities of FWB relationships.


FWB relationships requires thoughtful consideration of boundaries, respect, self-worth, and emotional health. Here’s what we’re taking away:

  • Redefining Expectations: Set clear boundaries and expectations to avoid misunderstandings.
  • Recognizing Red Flags: Pay attention to actions and recognize harmful behaviors.
  • Prioritizing Self-Worth: Value your own well-being and make decisions that align with your values.
  • Communicating Openly: Ensure clear communication about expectations and feelings.

Tips to Start the Conversation

Here are three ways to open the dialogue with your partner:

  • Acknowledge Their Feelings: “I realize my texting habits might make you feel unappreciated. I care about you and I’m open to changing this.”
  • Propose Balanced Efforts: “Let’s both make an effort to initiate texts. It’s important we both feel connected and involved.”
  • Recognize Texting’s Limits: “Texting can be tricky to convey feelings. Let’s be open and understanding if misunderstandings arise.”

Happy Dating!

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