From Blank Page to Perfect Messages & Profiles

How ‘MSG HER NOW’ is Revolutionizing Online Dating for Men

Dating Advice from MSG HER NOW
19 min readAug 14, 2023



In today’s digital age, online dating platforms have become the modern-day matchmakers, connecting hearts across cities, countries, and even continents. But as with any journey, the first step is often the hardest.

How do you present yourself authentically?

How do you craft a message that sparks interest without sounding rehearsed?

Enter “MSG HER NOW,” an innovative app designed to be the wingman for men re-entering the dating scene, especially those in their late 30s and beyond.

Imagine the world of online dating as a job market

Your profile is your resume, showcasing your interests, passions, and what makes you unique.

Your opening message? That’s your cover letter, the first impression, the hook that encourages someone to delve deeper into your profile.

“MSG HER NOW” understands this analogy and offers tools powered by specially trained AI to help men craft compelling dating profiles and engaging opening messages.

In this mega post, we’ll deep dive into “MSG HER NOW.” We’ll look at what it is, and isn’t, and well explain how we got here. We’ll explore its features, benefits and address some of the concerns raised about its authenticity.

We’ll provide insights into mastering the art of online dating, ensuring you’re equipped with the knowledge to navigate the digital dating landscape confidently.

MSG HER NOW: Our Stand on Red Pill Ideology and Andrew Tate

Why? Because we have to. They are not us.

At “MSG HER NOW”, we prioritize authenticity, respect, and intelligent communication. We believe in promoting genuine interactions and helping men present their best selves online. It’s essential to clarify our stance on certain ideologies and individuals that might be misconstrued as being associated with the motivation behind our platform.

Red Pill Ideology:

Originating from the movie “The Matrix”, the term “Red Pill” has been adopted by an online community that believes society and nature favor women over men. This ideology often leans towards anti-feminism, with its proponents claiming that feminism is damaging and that society is generally anti-male. The Red Pill movement suggests that men who “take the red pill” can see the “damaging ways of women” and believe that men are the ones being oppressed. They often advocate for traditional gender roles, suggesting that women should primarily be homemakers and caregivers while men should be providers.

“MSG HER NOW” does not take this stance and, indeed, repudiates it.

Andrew Tate:

A former kickboxing world champion, Andrew Tate, has made various controversial statements online, particularly on Twitter. He has been criticized for his views on depression, women, and other topics. He denigrates women and has been accused of sex trafficking women and girls. His views on women and girls is not only dangerous to women and girls, it is disgusting.

His approach and beliefs do not align with the values and principles of “MSG HER NOW”.

Our Commitment: “MSG HER NOW” is dedicated to fostering genuine, respectful, and meaningful interactions. We do not endorse or promote the Red Pill ideology, Andrew Tate’s views, or any pick-up artist methods. Our platform is about helping men communicate in a respectful and intelligent manner, emphasizing authenticity and genuine connection.

MSG HER NOW Origin Story: Bridging Authenticity with Technology

Every innovation has a story, and “MSG HER NOW” is no exception. The app’s journey began with a simple cold call email to an online dating coach in the winter of 2021. A newly-divorced man in his late 40s reached out, seeking guidance on navigating the online dating scene, from apps, to profiles, to messaging. The interaction, chronicled on the coach’s blog, led to a surge of similar requests from men seeking assistance with their dating profiles in the months following.

As the demand grew, the coach noticed a pattern: her clients, while successful and intelligent, often struggled with the nuances of communicating in the online dating environment. Crafting engaging profiles and messages was the main challenge, especially for those whose strengths lay outside the realm of writing.

Enter ChatGPT3

With the release of this groundbreaking AI, the coach saw an opportunity to streamline her services. She collaborated with a developer in Pakistan, creating tools that automated message and profile generation. The result? A drastic reduction in time spent crafting messages, freeing her to focus on other client needs.

But the journey didn’t end there. Recognizing the tool’s potential, an angel investor (and later, the app’s prospective owner) saw an opportunity to bring this tool to a broader audience. The vision was clear: make online dating accessible to all men, regardless of their writing prowess to help the show their true selves.

Today, “MSG HER NOW” stands as a testament to that vision. With its AI-driven tools, the app empowers men to share their stories authentically, bridging the gap between genuine self-expression and the challenges of online dating.

The future is bright for “MSG HER NOW”. As AI continues to evolve, so too will the app’s capabilities, ensuring that every man, regardless of his background or writing skills, has the tools to share his unique story with the world.’

Why MSG HER NOW? Understanding the Need and Addressing Concerns

The world of online dating can be both exciting and daunting. For men, especially those re-entering the dating scene in their late 30s and 40s, the challenges are unique. The dating landscape has evolved, and what worked a decade or two ago might not resonate today. Profiles need to be engaging, messages need to stand out, and authenticity is paramount.

Challenges in Modern Online Dating

Changing Dynamics: The rules of dating have evolved with the rise of digital platforms. What was once a simple introduction has now become a game of crafting the perfect profile and message.

Overwhelming Choices: With countless profiles to swipe through, standing out becomes crucial. It’s no longer just about looking good; it’s about sounding interesting and genuine.

Fear of Rejection: Crafting a message, only to be met with silence, can be disheartening. It’s not just about saying hello; it’s about making a connection.

MSG HER NOW: The Solution

“MSG HER NOW” is not a dating app. It’s a tool, a guide, and a confidence booster. By leveraging AI trained specifically for this purpose, the app helps men generate intriguing dating profile write-ups and opening messages designed to capture attention.

Addressing Authenticity Concerns:

We understand the concerns about authenticity. After all, isn’t the essence of dating to be genuine? “MSG HER NOW” is designed to provide a foundation. Think of it as a starting point, a draft. We encourage users to modify and fine-tune the generated content to reflect their true selves. The goal is to eliminate the daunting blank page and provide our users with a nudge in the right direction.

In the vast sea of online dating, “MSG HER NOW” serves as a lighthouse, guiding men towards genuine connections and meaningful conversations. It’s not about scripts; it’s about starting conversations.

Who is MSG HER NOW For? Targeting the Modern Gentleman

Online dating is a vast landscape, catering to a diverse range of individuals with unique needs and desires. Among this diverse group, there’s a specific demographic that often feels overlooked: men re-entering the dating scene, especially those in their late 30s and beyond. These are the men for whom “MSG HER NOW” was crafted.

Understanding the Modern Gentleman:

Life Transitions: Many men in this age bracket find themselves at significant crossroads in life. Whether it’s a career change, the end of a long-term relationship, or simply a newfound desire for companionship, these transitions bring them to the world of online dating.

Evolving Dating Landscape: The dating scene has transformed dramatically since their younger days. The shift from traditional dating methods to digital platforms can be overwhelming.

Desire for Authenticity: While they seek genuine connections, the challenge lies in presenting themselves authentically in a digital format. Crafting the right profile and message becomes paramount.

Why MSG HER NOW is Their Perfect Wingman:

“MSG HER NOW” understands the unique challenges faced by this demographic. The app isn’t about creating a fictional persona; it’s about amplifying the genuine qualities of these men, helping them present their best selves. With AI-driven tools, the app provides a foundation, eliminating the intimidation of the blank page and offering a starting point to craft engaging profiles and messages.

For the modern gentleman seeking meaningful connections in the digital age, “MSG HER NOW” is more than just an app; it’s a trusted companion, guiding them through the intricate dance of online dating.

What Does MSG HER NOW Offer? A Deep Dive into Features and Benefits

In the bustling world of online dating apps, “MSG HER NOW” stands out, not just as another platform but as a comprehensive tool designed to elevate the dating experience for men, especially those re-entering the scene. Let’s explore the unique offerings of this innovative app.

AI-Driven Profile Generation:

Personalized Approach: Instead of generic templates, the app uses responses to specific questions to craft a profile that resonates with the user’s personality and preferences.

Eliminating the Blank Page Syndrome: One of the most daunting aspects of online dating is starting from scratch. The app provides a draft write-up, offering a foundation that users can modify and fine-tune to reflect their true selves.

Tailored Three-Part Message System:

Engaging Introductions: The app crafts opening messages using a unique three-part system. It starts with a greeting, builds a connection based on common interests, and concludes by encouraging the recipient to view the sender’s profile.

Tailored Messages: By extracting information from the recipient’s profile, each message feels personalized and genuine, increasing the chances of a positive response.

The Job Application Analogy:

Profile as a Resume: Your dating profile is akin to a resume. It showcases your interests, passions, and what sets you apart.

Opening Message as a Cover Letter: The initial message serves as a cover letter, making a compelling case for why the recipient should consider a potential connection.

“MSG HER NOW” is more than just an app; it’s a revolution in online dating for men. By combining the power of AI with a deep understanding of the dating landscape, the app offers a unique solution to the challenges faced by men in their late 30s and beyond. It’s not about scripts; it’s about facilitating genuine connections.

5 Steps to Mastering the Art of Online Dating

#1 — Online Dating Profile Write-Ups: Master the Art of Attraction:

In the fast-paced world of online dating, standing out from the crowd can be a challenge. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. This guide will help you master the art of online dating by teaching you how to craft an irresistible dating profile that will attract the kind of women you’re interested in meeting.

Essential Tips for Crafting Your Perfect Online Dating Profile:

Profession: Mention your profession or field. Give an idea of what you do, e.g., “I spend my days solving complex problems in the tech world.”

Availability: Be clear about when you’re generally free, e.g., “I’m usually free on weekends and love to make the most of my time off.”

Reason for Being on the App: Be honest about your intentions, e.g., “I’m here because I’m ready to find that special someone to share my life with.”

Relationship Preference: Clearly state your relationship goals, e.g., “I’m looking for a meaningful connection that could potentially lead to a long-term relationship.”

Physical Fitness Habits: Share your fitness routine, e.g., “I believe in staying fit and hit the gym at least three times a week.”

Activities and Hobbies: Mention your interests, e.g., “In my free time, I love to read historical novels, cook Italian cuisine, and explore new hiking trails.”

Food and Drink Preferences: Share your culinary preferences, e.g., “I’m a die-hard pizza lover and a coffee enthusiast.”

Smoking Status: Be upfront about your smoking habits, e.g., “I’m a non-smoker and prefer to connect with someone who shares this lifestyle.”

What You’re Looking for in a Partner: Describe your ideal partner’s attributes, e.g., “I’m attracted to intelligent, ambitious women who have a zest for life. Age isn’t a deal-breaker for me, but I’m generally interested in women in the 25–35 age range.”

Your Unique Personality: Let your personality shine, e.g., “I’m a bit of a nerd at heart, love a good pun, and can whip up a mean spaghetti Bolognese.”

Common Online Dating Profile Mistakes Men Should Avoid:

Being Negative: Avoid negative language or complaining about past relationships.

Being Too Sexual: Avoid being overly sexual in your profile.

Being Dishonest: Always be truthful in your profile.

Effective Online Dating Profile Examples for Men:

Example 1: “I’m a software engineer who loves hiking. I’m on this app for a serious relationship with someone who shares my love for adventure. I’m a non-smoker, vegetarian, and coffee lover. I’m looking for a woman who is ambitious, educated, and within the age range of 25–35.”

Example 2: “As a business owner, I’m passionate about my work but also value downtime. I’m here to find a like-minded woman who enjoys the finer things in life. I’m a non-smoker, active, and love trying out new cuisines. I’m looking for a woman who is confident, intelligent, and has a sense of humor.”

The key to a successful dating profile is authenticity. Be true to yourself, and the right person will appreciate you for who you are. Now, go forth and conquer the online dating world!

#2 — The Significance of a Memorable Username:

In the digital landscape of online dating, your username is your unique identifier. It’s the first thing potential matches see, and it can set the tone for their perception of you. A well-chosen username can intrigue, spark curiosity, and even make someone smile.

Crafting the Perfect Username:

Reflect Your Personality: Your username should give a hint about who you are. If you’re a movie buff, something like “CinephileMike” can be apt.

Avoid Negative or Inappropriate Connotations: Steer clear of usernames that might be perceived as offensive or overly suggestive.

Keep It Simple: While creativity is encouraged, it’s essential to ensure your username is easy to remember and spell.

Consistency Across Platforms: If you’re using multiple dating platforms, try to keep your username consistent. It helps in building a recognizable online persona.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

Overcomplicating: “JohnDoe123456789” might be unique, but it’s also forgettable. Aim for simplicity and relevance.

Using Personal Information: Avoid using sensitive information like your full name, birthdate, or address.

Being Too Generic: Usernames like “LookingForLove” or “SingleGuy” don’t stand out. Add a personal touch to make it unique.

Your username is more than just a label; it’s a reflection of your online dating persona. A thoughtfully chosen username can enhance your online dating experience, making you memorable and approachable.

#3 — The Power of the Perfect Profile Picture:

Your profile picture is your digital handshake in the world of online dating. It’s your first impression, and as the saying goes, you never get a second chance to make a first impression. Did you know that the right profile picture can impact the number of messages you receive by up to 200%?

Key Elements of an Effective Profile Picture:

Authentic Representation: Your profile picture should accurately represent who you are. Opt for clear, well-lit photos focused on your face. Avoid heavy filters or overly edited photos.

Expression Matters: A genuine smile can make you seem approachable and friendly. However, a neutral or serious expression can convey professionalism and focus.

Pro Tips:

Choose a clean, uncluttered background.

Wear colors that complement your skin tone.

Ensure the photo is recent to avoid any awkwardness.

Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them:

Group Photos: It can be confusing for viewers. Ensure you’re the main focus.

Obscured Face: Avoid sunglasses or other items that hide your face.

Overly Revealing Photos: These can send the wrong message. Aim for classy and respectful.

The Role of Profile Pictures in Online Dating:

Your profile picture isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about showcasing your personality. Avoid overly sexual photos. Instead, highlight your interests and hobbies to attract like-minded individuals.

Choosing the right profile picture is an art. It’s about striking a balance between showcasing your personality and appearing approachable. As Oscar Wilde said, “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” Your profile picture should reflect your authenticity and confidence. A great profile picture can be the key to unlocking meaningful connections in the world of online dating.

#4 — The Power of a Great Tagline or Greeting:

Imagine navigating through countless online dating profiles, each one blending into the next. Then, suddenly, a clever tagline grabs your attention, and you’re intrigued. That’s the magic of a well-crafted tagline or greeting. It’s your golden ticket to stand out in the crowd of profiles and make a memorable first impression.

Crafting Unique and Personal Taglines:

Your tagline should be a reflection of your true self. Avoid clichés and, instead, highlight what makes you unique. For instance, if you’re a bookworm, a tagline like “Bibliophile seeking a partner for literary debates” can be captivating.

Positivity is Key:

Ensure your tagline is upbeat and positive. This isn’t the place for past relationship woes. Instead, focus on what excites you. For adventure lovers, “Thrill-seeker looking for a partner in crime” can be a hit.

Intrigue and Playfulness:

Your tagline should pique curiosity. Ask a thought-provoking question or use playful puns. For chefs, “Can you handle a little kitchen heat?” can be a conversation starter.

Stay Respectful and Classy:

While shock value might be tempting, it’s best to avoid explicit content. Aim to attract matches interested in more than just physical attraction.

Tie In with Username:

If possible, create a tagline that complements your username for a cohesive and memorable impression. For instance, if your username is “TravelBug,” a tagline like “Seeking a co-pilot for my next adventure” can be perfect.

Examples of Witty Taglines:

“Caffeine-dependent life form looking for a fellow coffee enthusiast.”

“Fluent in sarcasm and movie quotes. Can you keep up?”

“Part-time superhero, full-time dreamer. Ready to join my adventure?”

“Music junkie seeking a duet partner. Bonus points if you can play the guitar.”

“Bookworm in search of a fairytale romance. Must love dogs.”

Remember, your tagline is just one part of your online dating profile. It should work in harmony with your username, profile picture, and the detailed information you provide. By crafting a thoughtful tagline, you increase your chances of attracting the right matches.

#5 — The Art of the First Message:

Crafting the perfect opening message in online dating can feel like navigating a digital sea of uncertainty. It’s your initial introduction, your digital handshake, and it sets the tone for all future interactions. But what makes a good first message? Think of your first message as a light garden salad, as opposed to fries and gravy with extra gravy. She wants salad, not fries and gravy.

The Grocery Store Scenario:

Imagine you’re in a grocery store, standing next to a woman who caught your eye. You both reach for the same head of lettuce, presenting a golden opportunity to strike up a conversation. What do you say? In real life, you’d likely be polite and respectful. The same should apply online. The first message should be light, respectful, engaging, and safe.

Crafting the Perfect Opening Message:

The key to an engaging opening message is a simple four-step formula: a greeting, a comment on something from her profile, a statement of common interest, and an invitation to connect. Here are some examples:

“Hi Sarah, I noticed you love hiking. I’ve recently explored the Rocky Mountains. Have you been there? Maybe we could share trail stories over coffee?”

“Hello Emily, your passion for cooking caught my eye. I’m a bit of a foodie and love experimenting with new recipes. Fancy exchanging favorite dishes?”

“Hey Laura, you’re a fan of mystery novels. I just finished the latest by Agatha Christie. Got any recommendations? Maybe we could discuss them over tea?”

Following Up:


Once you’ve sent your opening message, it’s crucial to follow up appropriately. Here are some follow-up message examples:

“Hi Sarah, thanks for checking out my profile. It’s nice to be noticed. Fancy connecting further?”

“Hello Emily, I appreciate you taking the time to read my message. If you’re interested, I’d love to continue our chat.”

The Key to Successful Online Dating:

Remember, the key to successful online dating is patience and respect. Just like in the grocery store, it’s all about making a genuine connection. So, the next time you find yourself reaching for the same head of lettuce as someone else, you’ll know just what to say.

How Does MSG HER NOW Work? A User’s Guide to Success:

Navigating the world of online dating can be overwhelming, but with “MSG HER NOW,” the process is simplified, intuitive, and user-friendly. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to make the most of this innovative app:

1. Download and Installation:

Begin by downloading “MSG HER NOW” from the App Store. The app is free to download, giving users the opportunity to explore its features without any initial commitment.

2. Profile Generation:

Launch the app and start the profile generation process.

Answer a series of questions designed to understand your personality, interests, and preferences. You only need to add keywords or a short sentence into each field. While there are many questions, you can skip the ones that don’t apply. The more you fill out, the better return you’ll get.

The AI-driven tool will craft a draft profile write-up based on your responses. This draft serves as a foundation, which you can modify and fine-tune to reflect your true self. Ensure your write-up says exactly what you want it to convey.

3. Crafting Opening Messages:

Navigate to the message generator feature.

Type or copy & paste part of her write-up into the text box and push generate. You can try adding her entire profile, but the app becomes less effective with more than four sentences.

If the generated message isn’t to your liking, hit generate again or modify the input and try again. Once satisfied, you can further personalize the message or send it as is. Remember, the app is trained to provide a starting point, but it’s essential to review and ensure the message aligns with your intent.

4. Subscription and In-App Purchases:

While the app offers two free messages to test out its features, a subscription is required for continued use.

For just $2.99 a month, subscribers receive 10 messages and two profile generations. Additional messages and profile generations can be purchased in-app.

5. Data Privacy and Security:

“MSG HER NOW” is committed to safeguarding user data. The app does not collect any user data, ensuring complete privacy and peace of mind.

Users can also refer to the app’s privacy policy and user policy for detailed information on data handling and protection.

6. Visual Design and Interface:

The app boasts a visually appealing design, with a color scheme of white letters on a blue field framed in green. This consistent color palette ensures a seamless and enjoyable user experience.

7. Cautions and Best Practices:

Always read the generated message before sending to ensure it conveys your intended message.

Be aware of potential gendering issues and adjust the input or output accordingly.

Ensure the app’s portrayal of you is accurate. It might make assumptions based on the input, so always review the output.

The app is primarily trained for hetero-normative profiles. It might not detect or appropriately respond to multi-partner situations or open relationship contexts.

“MSG HER NOW” is more than just an app; it’s a comprehensive tool designed to elevate the online dating experience. With its user-friendly interface, AI-driven features, and commitment to data privacy, users are equipped with everything they need to find meaningful connections in the digital age.

When & Where: The Journey and Availability of MSG HER NOW:

A Brief History:

Launched in July 2023 after an intensive six-month development phase, “MSG HER NOW” has quickly become a trusted companion for many men navigating the online dating scene. With its success and user feedback, the team is already gearing up for the release of v2. Slated for a mid-September launch, this update promises even more cohesive responses, thanks to the integration of the ChatGPT4 API. Additionally, users can look forward to a service bot designed to answer specific dating questions, drawing from the wealth of knowledge accumulated by the relationship coach who played a pivotal role in the app’s creation.

Platform Availability:

Currently, “MSG HER NOW” is exclusive to iOS, catering to users with Apple devices. However, the team is committed to expanding its reach. With the launch of v2, development will commence on an Android version, aiming for a release in mid-October.

Geographical Availability:

“MSG HER NOW” breaks geographical boundaries, being accessible to anyone with access to the App Store. However, it’s essential to note that the app operates exclusively in English. As such, users’ experience will be influenced by their proficiency in reading and writing in the English language.

Integration with Other Platforms:

While “MSG HER NOW” is a standalone app, it’s designed with user convenience in mind. Users can easily transfer input and output data through a simple copy and paste mechanism, with dedicated copy buttons within the app ensuring a seamless experience.

Whether you’re in North America, Europe, Asia, or any corner of the globe, if you’re an English-speaking individual with an iOS device, “MSG HER NOW” is ready to assist you in your online dating journey. With continuous updates and expansions on the horizon, the app is poised to revolutionize the online dating experience for men worldwide.

Conclusion: “MSG HER NOW” — Your Messaging Support App for Online Dating

In the rapidly evolving world of online dating, “MSG HER NOW” emerges as a beacon for men, especially those re-entering the dating scene in their late 30s and beyond. This innovative app, powered by advanced AI, aims to simplify the often daunting task of crafting compelling dating profiles and engaging opening messages. By drawing parallels between the online dating world and the job market, the app emphasizes the importance of presenting oneself authentically and making a lasting first impression.

However, “MSG HER NOW” is not just about automated messages. It champions authenticity, respect, and intelligent communication, distancing itself from controversial ideologies and figures. The app’s origin story, stemming from a genuine need to bridge authenticity with technology, is a testament to its commitment to fostering genuine connections. With features like AI-driven profile generation and a tailored three-part message system, it offers a unique solution to the challenges of modern online dating.

Addressing concerns about authenticity, the app encourages users to use the generated content as a foundation, allowing them to fine-tune and personalize it further. It’s not about scripts but about facilitating genuine conversations. Targeted primarily at the modern gentleman, “MSG HER NOW” understands the unique challenges faced by this demographic and offers tools to help them navigate the digital dating landscape with confidence.

In essence, “MSG HER NOW” is more than just an app; it’s a revolution in online dating. It combines the power of AI with a deep understanding of human connections, ensuring that every user, regardless of their writing skills, can present their true selves and forge meaningful relationships.

Interested in upping your dating game?

Check out the MSG HER NOW app at the App Store! MSG HER NOW

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Visit MSG HER NOW on the web for detailed advice on how to improve your online dating profile and messages!

AI-assisted blog post.

Originally published at

© MSG HER NOW, 2023



Dating Advice from MSG HER NOW

Editor for Dating Advice from MSG HER NOW - Check out our message writing app for men on the App Store -