Mastering Online Dating: Validation, Communication & Defining Success

Expert Tips and Real-Life Stories for Successful Online Dating Experiences

Dating Advice from MSG HER NOW
4 min readNov 9, 2023


A diverse group of individuals navigating online dating, showcasing a range of emotions from curiosity and excitement to contemplation.
Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

Today, we’re tackling a topic that’s crucial to anyone looking to make meaningful connections online: validation, communication, and defining success in the digital dating world.

Understanding the Role of Validation in Online Dating

Let’s kick things off with a story that recently caught my eye. A dater matched with a girl on a popular dating app, and their conversation quickly turned to the topic of validation.

vhisic shared a golden nugget of wisdom, stating, “she already got her validation with the match, unmatch move on.” This is a reminder that sometimes a match is all the validation someone seeks. But what does this mean for you? It means recognizing when someone is looking for validation and knowing when to bow out gracefully.

Validation in online dating can be a double-edged sword. On one hand, it’s a quick boost of confidence, a sign that someone finds you attractive or interesting. On the other hand, it can lead to a never-ending cycle of seeking approval from others.

So, how do you navigate this? It starts with understanding your own needs and boundaries. Be clear about what you’re looking for in a match; don’t be afraid to communicate that.

The Importance of Clear Communication

OpalNebula hit the nail on the head, saying, “Move on from her. She’s entitled to seek validation, at least she answered you honestly. And, you’re entitled to not give it.”

This is a prime example of why clear and honest communication is the cornerstone of successful online dating. It’s about expressing your needs, setting boundaries, and respecting the other person’s desires.

But how do you ensure your communication is as clear as crystal? Start by being upfront about your intentions. Are you looking for a long-term relationship or just testing the waters?

Whatever it is, make it known. And remember, it’s okay to ask the other person about their intentions, too. Just be sure to approach the conversation with an open mind and a non-judgmental attitude.

Defining Success in Online Dating

What does success really mean in online dating? aranboy522 posed a thought-provoking question, “I mean depends on how u define success.”

They couldn’t be more right. Success in online dating isn’t about the number of matches you get or how many dates you go on. It’s about making meaningful connections, finding what you’re looking for, and enjoying the trip.

But success also requires a bit of strategy. It’s about optimizing your profile, choosing the right photos, and crafting stand-out messages. It’s about being proactive, taking the initiative, and not being afraid to make the first move. And most importantly, it’s about staying true to yourself and not getting lost in the sea of profiles.

Pro Tip: Looking for standout messages? Check out our app on the App Store through the link at the end of the story!

Creating a Judgment-Free Zone

Advice from notsimpleorcomplex was relatable — avoid approaching conversations with a judgmental attitude. Instead of asking if someone is “just seeking validation,” try a more empathetic and open-ended approach. Ask about their goals and intentions in a way that fosters understanding and connection. Remember, creating a judgment-free zone is key to building genuine connections.

The Takeaway

With these tips and strategies, you’re well on your way to mastering online dating. So, what can we take away from all this?

  • Validation is a Personal Journey: Understand that validation is personal and recognize when it’s time to move on. Focus on making meaningful connections without getting caught up in the validation game.
  • Clear and Honest Communication is Key: Be upfront about what you’re looking for, set boundaries, and respect the other person’s needs and desires.
  • Define Your Own Success: Define what success means to you, optimize your profile, and stay true to yourself.
  • Create a Judgment-Free Zone: Avoid making assumptions and approach conversations with empathy and an open mind.

Happy Dating!

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