Single at 41 with No Kids: Is it a Plus or a Red Flag?

Exploring the Perceptions of Dating Over Forty

Dating Advice from DateSmart40
4 min readJul 24, 2024


A man in his early forties smiling confidently, set in a casual outdoor café scene with city background.

As people in the dating world after forty, the topic of whether being single and child-free at this age is viewed positively or negatively often comes up. This discussion explores the perceptions of women towards single men in their early forties without children.

Original Post

The original poster (OP)-Medic1298, posed an interesting question about dating perceptions:

About to be single after 16 years of marriage. Wife and I never had kids as it was not something she wanted. I have always been good either way. Wondering how single women are going to perceive being 41 with no kids. Is it a plus, some sort of red flag, or does it not make any difference? TIA!

Clarification: I love kids and spend good time with many nieces and nephews. I am not opposed to a woman that wants to have a kid or already has kids. I’m still young and energetic enough to handle it. I also don’t feel like I absolutely have to have kids to feel complete in life.

The OP’s concern revolves around how his child-free status will be perceived in the dating scene. Is it an advantage, a disadvantage, or irrelevant?

A Plus for Some

Many women viewed a single man in his early forties without kids as a positive attribute. They appreciated the lack of ties to an ex-partner and the freedom that comes with it.

“I generally assume that the fewer ties you share with an ex, the easier it will be to date you. So in this case, the fact that you do not have children together is a plus.”-Carol_Bentley

Another commenter highlighted how rare and appealing this situation could be:

“A single man in his early 40s with no kids who is also able to string a few sentences together? That’s who we should be calling a unicorn.”-Touchy_Ambition

In conclusion, many women considered a man without children at this age a valuable find due to the simplicity and independence it offers in a relationship.

No Impact on Perceptions

Some women indicated that whether or not a man had children didn’t make a significant difference in their perception of him. What mattered more was his overall approach to life and relationships.

For some women, it will be a positive, others not. Depends also on if you want kids. Most folks at 40+ are not looking to have more.”-Divorced_Male55

This response points out that individual preferences and life circumstances play a crucial role. The absence of children is just one factor among many that determine compatibility.

A Red Flag for Others

However, not all responses were positive. Some women perceived a lack of children at this age as a potential red flag, often associating it with deeper issues.

For me, it would depend on if you want kids or not. I have 3 grown-up children I definitely do not want anymore.”-Ride_the_Horse

Others shared experiences where the desire for children was a deal-breaker:

I had a guy I was dating tell me he didn’t want to see me anymore after I told him I had a hysterectomy because he wanted kids.”-Lola_Boba

These perspectives highlight that for some women, a man’s stance on having children can be a significant factor in their dating decisions.

The Middle Ground: Open to Either

Some respondents valued the flexibility of a man who is open to having children but does not necessarily need them to feel fulfilled.

It’s likely you’re a plus to all of us childfree women (if you want to remain childfree) and a plus to most women with older kids or empty nesters.”-Astro_Girl

The ability to enjoy a partner’s family or have children together without it being a necessity is seen as a middle ground that appeals to many women.


Dating over forty as a single man without children has its nuances. Here’s what we’re taking away:

  • Redefining Expectations: Being child-free can be seen as a plus, especially for those who value independence.
  • Understanding Impact: The presence or absence of children can be irrelevant, depending on individual preferences.
  • Clarifying Intentions: It’s important to communicate clearly about your stance on having children to avoid misunderstandings.

Tips to Start the Conversation

Here are three ways to open the dialogue with your partner:

  • Acknowledge Their Feelings: “I realize my child-free status might be a point of curiosity. I’m open to discussing what this means for us.”
  • Discuss Future Plans: “Let’s talk about our future and what we both envision regarding kids and family life.”
  • Be Honest: “I’m okay with either having kids or not. I want to find a balance that works for both of us.”

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