The Challenges of Online Dating Over Forty

Relationships and Expectations in Midlife

Dating Advice from DateSmart40
5 min readJul 23, 2024


Here is the image of a midlife woman looking thoughtfully at her phone with a dating app open, sitting in a cozy living room. The background shows a modern apartment with soft lighting.

Exploring the world of online dating in your forties can be both exciting and daunting. The experience often raises questions about relationship goals, honesty, and the nature of connections formed online. This discussion between midlife daters sheds light on these challenges and offers insights into navigating the digital dating scene.

The OP — Butterfly_Away, a 41-year-old woman, has shared her experience of finding very few single men in her online dating journey. Her story highlights the common frustrations and concerns that come with midlife dating. Here’s what she wrote —

“41f finally trying to enjoy in online dating. I found grand total of 3 men who are unmarried and single. I kept my search limited to my race tho (SE Asian natives) for idk what reason (maybe I should expand). I selected in my profile long term relationships. I wonder is it that so common with others too?

Also I found offline people way kinder than the ones online, but I never managed to ask them, too shy and disoriented :( e.g. I went for an appointment at a ministry 2 times, and the receptionist guy sent me vibes and took my number and my card and showed me that he kept it aside… only after I exited the building and was in the bus I thought….. waiiiit a minnnnn!”

This post sparked a discussion about the realities of online dating at this stage in life, touching on the prevalence of dishonesty and the difficulty in finding genuine connections.

The Prevalence of Dishonesty

Many participants in the thread expressed their frustration with encountering dishonesty in online dating. They shared their experiences with married people masquerading as singles, emphasizing the need for vigilance.

Dingo_Dango revealed a shocking discovery:

“One time I did match a woman who was cheating. Got her info somehow and searched her cause it seemed fishy. Found out she was married, and had just been sued by the local hospital. Quickly deleted her cause I ain’t dealing with that.”

Another shared a similar sentiment, pointing out the deceptive claims of Upset_Juror:

“All the time. And if not married, a lot of them claim ENM but who knows if their partner even knows. I just want good old fashioned monogamy. It’s so hard to find.”

These experiences highlight the importance of being cautious and conducting due diligence when meeting people online. Many daters advised doing background checks and looking for inconsistencies in profiles to avoid getting involved with dishonest individuals.

Ethical Non-Monogamy and Red Flags

The discussion also touched on the concept of ethical non-monogamy (ENM) and the red flags associated with it. While some people practice ENM openly and honestly, others misuse it as a cover for cheating.

Legend_smc explained:

“Some people do ENM in a Don’t Ask Don’t Tell style with their partners, but that is not nearly as common as people (more men, but plenty of women) who are cheating and claim to have that sort of arrangement with a partner.”

EscapeFromHome added:

“DADT is a Huge red flag. 🚩”

These insights underscore the need for clear communication and transparency when discussing relationship preferences. Ethical non-monogamy requires mutual consent and openness, which are often missing in deceptive situations.

The Importance of Vigilance

Several contributors emphasized the importance of being vigilant and cautious when dating online. They shared strategies for identifying dishonesty and protecting oneself from potentially harmful situations.

ProudDater recounted their approach:

“This is why I do quite a bit of digging on someone before I’ll meet them. I had someone in this sub get pretty sideways about that, saying that it wasn’t information that was volunteered to me. That’s exactly why I’m looking.”

The-Bookkeeper-2020 highlighted the need to ask direct questions:

“Agreed, after asking a man once if they had either a wife or a girlfriend, I now ask if there is anyone in their life that would reasonably assume that they are in a relationship with them.”

These strategies can help daters navigate the online dating world more safely, ensuring that they are connecting with genuine individuals who share their relationship goals.

Cultural Considerations and Personal Preferences

The discussion also touched on cultural considerations and personal preferences in dating. The OP’s focus on her own race sparked a conversation about expanding search criteria and exploring diverse connections.

Foxy_Girl suggested broadening horizons:

“I just want to add — I’ve dated, Filipina-Canadian, Guyanese-Canadian, Jewish-Canadian, Euro-Canadian, Mixed(?)-Canadian, Canadian… So yeah, expand past the one ethnicity.”

Culture_Abounds pointed out the challenges within specific cultural contexts:

“Am I wrong or are south asian men most of the time ‘married out’ and are long married at our age?”

These reflections highlight the importance of being open to different cultural backgrounds and understanding the unique dynamics within various communities.


Online dating in your forties presents unique challenges, but it also offers opportunities for meaningful connections. Here’s what we’re taking away:

  • Be Cautious: Conduct background checks and look for inconsistencies in profiles.
  • Communicate Clearly: Ensure transparency and mutual consent in relationship preferences.
  • Stay Vigilant: Ask direct questions to identify dishonesty and protect yourself.
  • Broaden Horizons: Be open to diverse cultural backgrounds and expand your search criteria.

Tips to Start the Conversation

Here are three ways to open the dialogue with your partner:

  • Acknowledge Their Feelings: “I realize my texting habits might make you feel unappreciated. I care about you and I’m open to changing this.”
  • Propose Balanced Efforts: “Let’s both make an effort to initiate texts. It’s important we both feel connected and involved.”
  • Recognize Texting’s Limits: “Texting can be tricky to convey feelings. Let’s be open and understanding if misunderstandings arise.”

Happy Dating!

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