Check-in 1/23

M. Lim
Intro to Programming
1 min readJan 23, 2018

#1. Complete this short survey

— Remember, it’s not graded. You either get full credit (7/7) for completing it, or no credit (0/7) if you don’t.

#2. Find your name below for your next task ^__^

Ryan, Lidia, Joseph, Arthur, Angel:

  1. Update your Vocab doc
  2. Work on Thank you cards (Angel, make another one 😊). Ask Ms. Meghan for feedback!
  3. After running it by Ms. Meghan, download the file and email to

Ricardo, Lucas:

  1. Update your Vocab doc
  2. Read: Debugging pt. 1
  3. Do: “Debugging Madlib” in

Sage, Fernanda, Cynthia:

  1. Update your Vocab doc
  2. Read: Getting input from the user
  3. Do: “Madlib (User Inputs)” in

Jay, Alonso:

  1. In Google Drive, create a new Folder called: “ITP — Your Name
    Right click the folder → Share
    Enter my email address:
  2. In the folder you just made, create a new Google Doc called “Vocab”
  3. In this Google Doc, make a list of all the [vocab] words mentioned on the homepage. Then, find the meaning of each word by clicking on the post, and add it to the Google Doc.

