Running programs in IDLE

[vocab] IDLE | execute | encrypt | decrypt

M. Lim
Intro to Programming
1 min readJan 11, 2018


IDLE is a development environment for Python. It has two main window types, the Shell window and the Editor window. For this example, we will be using the Editor window.

1. In your Documents folder, create a folder called “Python Examples”

2. Download (right click → save link as…) and save it to your “Python Examples” folder.

3. Find the saved file. Right click it, and choose “Edit in IDLE”

  • This opens the file in IDLE, a Python development environment
  • In the IDLE toolbar, click Run → Run Module to execute (carry out the program, aka run)

— ENCRYPT a message, then write your encrypted message on a piece of paper and give it to someone else.

— DECRYPT someone else’s message using the same program (click Run Module again to restart it).

Bonus: Check out more Python examples!

To recap:

Download file: Right click the link → Save link as…
Open in IDLE: Right click the saved file → Edit in IDLE
Run from IDLE toolbar: Run → Run Module

