Genymotion Emulator with Flutter (in VS Code)



When we talk about emulators, we mainly expect to talk about “Android Studio”, personally I don’t like Android Studio because I find it heavy and slow under my computer which makes me less productive.

Funnily enough, I don’t think I’m the only one, if you agree, please feel free to applaud this article 😅️.

for a long time I started looking for a better alternative and bingo I found “Genymotion” 💌️.
It is lighter and more powerful than Android Studio Emulators

You can download it for free on this link and follow all the installation process, sorry guys it’s not the purpose of this article show you how to install Genymotion Desktop :

download link :

“No Devices”

So I had this problem where I was done with getting flutter working, VS Code was all set up but I kept on getting the “No Devices” message in the flutter bottom bar in the IDE, even though my Genymotion emulator was running.

no devices

So far I haven’t plugged in any devices but I managed to install Genymotion but why this error?

The Cup of Solution

I installed with success “VS code” and also Genymotion, I installed “Google Pixel XL” as Device.

The first thing to do is to launch Genymotion to launch its emulator, you should have the same interface as me.

1 . Open up Genymotion and go to the ADB Setting section.

2. Change ADB to “Use custom Android SDK tools”, set the SDK location to where your SDK is (in my case it’s at /home/jeanluckabulu/Android/Sdk).

Make sure the tick mark (“This folder is valid”) is displayed.

3. Close the settings box.

4. Now reload your “VS Code” IDE.

Run the application with “flutter run” in the terminal as usual or “VS code” and see the application running in the emulator.

App is running inthe emulator


I hope this article has helped you one way or another



Jean Luc Kabulu
Microsoft Student Partners Central Africa

Developer Student Club Lead |Flutter Lubumbashi lead|Github Campus Expert | FullStack Devs, And Proudly