Attending DevFest 2016 : Helping Kids in HoC and Seeing Satya from Afar

Muhamad Iqbal
Published in
5 min readJun 22, 2016

Microsoft Developer Festival 2016 might be the most memorable Microsoft event will ever be. With so many attendees, booths (and foods), and also not to mention the keynote speaker we’ve been dying to come to Indonesia, Microsoft CEO itself, Satya Nadella.

The event took place on Ritz Carlton Ballroom in Pacific Place, which is located just in front of Indonesia Stock Exchange Tower where Microsoft Indonesia takes place. Even though I can’t join for the keynote, it was still a good experience to me for participating in such event. With all might, I went to the venue on 15 minutes to 6AM, without preparing any breakfast beforehand. Well, guess I’ll have the stomachache for the lunch then. During the event, several friends from MSP and I were participated in Hour of Code as trainers to assist students during the event. The Hour of Code session were divided into 2 parts.

At the arrival, so many people were being busy wandering here and there. Setting up the devices, communicating through handy talky, giving orders, preparing the stages, etc. We were greeted by our coordinator Mba Vienda, and then asked to start helping by setting up the devices since most of them are still turned off. We put our baggage on storage room, and then start configuring the devices. There were various problems we face when setting the devices, from simply can’t connect to Internet to getting stuck as BSODs. After many considerations, our lead coordinator decided that every table will have at least 1 device per 3 persons (it was 1 device per person at first, but with the bandwidth and so many problematic devices we ended with this decision) except for where Satya will visit (that spot still had one device per person).

And so, the first wave of students was coming…

This time, it’s high school students. I guessed they might be from neighboring schools. (Also did I told you that Satya literally visited one of the school? Nb: Article in Indonesian language).

two of my friends who caugt in camera

During the session, we were guided by one of Microsoft employee who used to join Imagine Cup, {sorry, forgot the name} on the stage. We went here and there to help the students during the Hour of Code session playing the Minecraft game. Some had difficulties in progressing, while the others seem quite skilled in this game. I got a group of two male students, and they were very enjoying the game. Not to mention that they progressed to half of the game within half an hour. Seems we have ourselves potential computer students here.

When we finished, we gathered on stage to take photos together with the students (and accompanying teachers). After the first wave left the room, we quickly started reconfigured the device back to initial state for the last round.

And then the second wave entered the room…

And now, it’s elementary kids. Half of them came from foundations which also supported the DevFest event, which was HOPE Foundation. While the other half came from NOAH School (yes, I heard the name. And no, I didn’t know what school it was).

During this session, we also guided by the same person, {AGAIN, o]sorry for not remembering the name} on the stage. Though this time, we were more actively moved from one place to another. Even though they were not as skilled as the first wave, some of them also showed potentials in computer programming (that, or they already played the game before). I’ve even noticed that there are group who already reached last level, while most of students were still stuck around level 10.

Later, without any warning, attention, nor any form of pre-occurrence message, Satya Nadella entered the room. Most of us the trainers were just stand still there, some were still busy helping the students, while those who got lucky for positioned close to Satya’s spot took the chance for taking photos (Forgot to mention, we were assigned area where we will accompany the student. I got 2nd row from last, while Satya’s spot located 3rd row from the front). He went to HoC session for a short amount of time, since he went before the keynote (he came around 11.45AM while the keynote were on 1.00PM).

After the last session, we went on a break. Somehow, taking care 2 sessions of Hour of Code really tired everyone. We (at first) decided to take advantage of the stage screen to watch Satya’s keynote, but then we moved to another place since the stage will be used for placing background banner. And there goes the chance to see the keynote. But hey, at least the food’s great. And there were several interesting booths around, such as
•Acer promoting some of Aspire series and the new Acer Predator (yes, it’s gaming laptop, and yes, hearing the price made me cringe so much *-*)
YesBoss, which is Cortana-like assistant created with Azure Machine Learning
•Kickle booth which showcase their innovation in supporting people’s meeting with collaboration of Skype in Business
Radya Labs, one of Microsoft’s partner I’ve seen lately in several Microsoft’s exhibition (I remember saw them too on Microsoft TechDays 2015)
•YCAB Foundation, ThinkTech, and many more… (which I hadn’t visit)

here we all, MSPs and the main HoC team (guess which is me :] )

Summary is, it was great. Being trainer for children, attending yet another Microsoft’s event, and being in single room with Microsoft CEO. Thanks guys for the experience



Muhamad Iqbal

Just a little kid with earphone, and programming interests