3 Things to Help You Embrace Your Limitless Self

Falling behind in life? Why not learn to embrace your limitless self and potential instead? Here’s how to break free from your own limitations!

Maycee Sugarol
Mspire Wellness
6 min readMar 16, 2023


Being a multi-passionate individual meant juggling multiple interests and hobbies at once. Choosing to focus on one thing was always a problem for me because I wanted to do many things.

How To Unlock Your Limitless Self and Potential When You Feel You Are Falling Behind in Life

In college, I was very active in school organizations, on top of my academic life.

And after college, I embraced my freedom even more, by learning as much as I could about my multiple interests…

I attended fashion school. It sure made me happy!

I took the LSAT (passed, and almost enrolled in Law School too, before a major interruption made me truly re-think my steps). Note: law school was more of my Mom’s dream than mine.

As a frustrated and wanna-be doctor (it was my childhood dream to serve my grandparents when they’re old), I recently studied one of the 2 courses that’s very dear to my heart (Medicine & Psychology).

I started my Masters in Clinical Psychology just a year ago, with the best intentions of wanting to help myself and others as a clinician. I wanted to be licensed at therapy. A year later, I decided not to pursue it professionally. And I’m so sorry to disappoint!

But, knowing that I can still help people without becoming a professional therapist and letting go of everything else I’m currently doing that is not remotely close to the profession, enabled me to make a choice.

Truth is, I already had knowledge in Counseling since high school as I was a volunteer Peer Facilitator for the entirety of my high school years. Oftentimes, I would be my friends’ go-to person to listen and give them advice. I’m already happy that I am able to do that.


Younger me would hide away and be ashamed of all these unrelated choices and decisions I’ve made in my life. Constantly changing tracks had its opportunity cost. I knew that.

Instead of improving myself in the field where I am, I kept starting another path in life. I was always an eager beginner, instead of a master at something.

And so if I feel like I am falling behind in life, I can easily regress to the past and blame myself for wasting my time. And not making up my mind! That WAS my pain.

It’s important to realize that despite all the walls you may have hit and roadblocks across your path, there is a way out. And most of the time, you gain this freedom by embracing your limits with love.

If you think about it, life is filled with limits. Things like — age limit, being tied to a job that doesn’t make you happy, and financial limits — are all limitations we know too well in modern life. They are a great source of frustration, pain, and disappointment.

But you know what, you can break free from these limitations, set by your mind, society, and other external factors.

Only then will you truly become free to believe that you can be more, achieve more, do more in your life — wherever you are coming from!

Here Are 3 Things You Can Do to Help Unlock Your Limitless Self

1. Accept “What Is”

Why was I so inclined to juggling multiple projects? Why couldn’t I simply focus on something and dive deep into it for years?

Somewhere along, when I finally came towards “acceptance,” I also discovered my multi-passionate self.

“A multi-passionate individual is a person who has various passions… Such an individual is also known as a renaissance person, multi-potentialite, polymath, or scanner.” — Maureen Murori, She Leads Africa

Being multi-passionate could easily become a struggle in a world where specialists thrive. But it doesn’t signify a lack of direction or focus. Sometimes it’s a necessary background for certain careers and endeavors in life, like a creative business!

TIP №.1

Sit down and list all of the things you do not like about your life. Write down the reasons why.

2. Make Peace with Your Past Choices

I made peace with the choices I made, knowing it’s futile to regret. And instead I decided to embrace where I have been, to be grateful for everything, and to learn from them.

I made peace with my past decisions, knowing they made me into the unique person that I am today.

I chose that road instead of perplexing my mind unnecessarily. But not without processing them.

Coming to acceptance means I’ve been through the hard emotions. I’ve journaled about them. I have shared the dilemma with a close friend. And I am finally somehow at peace with what is.

My good friend also recently shared something related to this and I would love to quote her for it.

At one point, everyone must’ve felt that strong nagging feeling that we didn’t reach our full potential because of someone or something. In hindsight, though there is some truth to it, it’s hard to be truly be happy and move forward until we made peace with the choices we made.

- Ariz T.

The moment I chose to embrace, accept, and take every single path I’ve been in as a part of my journey instead of seeing it as a wrong path that I shouldn’t have started, I became comfortable with the idea that I can carve my own path in life through creativity.

TIP №. 2

Meditate on your answers to Tip no. 1. Allow yourself to travel back in time and send love to your past self. You did the best you could at the time, with the knowledge you had back then, so it’s okay if you didn’t make the best choice. You still have today and tomorrow to change it.

3. Embrace Your Authentic Self

What I know to be true is that my multiple interests are valid. And I have been blessed enough to have had the opportunity to explore many of them in my life.

Curiosity and eagerness in a person should never be wrong. In fact, it’s a necessity in life that’s naturally riddled with changes. It makes you highly adaptable and flexible, and I believe I am like that.

Accepting and making peace with where I have been enabled me to embrace my multi-passionate self, which feels very authentic to me.

TIP №.3

Change doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time. But through the years, we all evolve, and that all depends on the work we allow ourselves to do.

On the outside, you may be inclined to do more self-care rituals like skin care therapy sessions to mitigate the repercussions of aging.

Internally, we grow out of our challenges by reflecting on them and allowing ourselves to learn from our experiences, also taking our emotions into account while they reveal certain truths to us.

When you have made peace with your past, it’s easier to embrace your present self, and the limitless future that lies ahead of you!

I Believe This to Be True: Our Potential Can Be Limitless.

And it all begins in the mind — what you believe is possible for you, is possible.

To unlock our limitless self entails transcending all of our limitations, our blocks, self-defeating thoughts, fears, self-doubt, anxieties, and everything that keeps us from achieving what’s possible. What keeps us from being happy, fulfilled, and able to soar high!

There are no limits on what you can achieve with your life, except the limits you accept in your mind.

Brian Tracy

