ARCx First to Incorporate imUSD

Derek E. Silva
Published in
1 min readJan 27, 2021

ARCx, the Infinite Rehypothecation Protocol that allows users to buy and hold STABLEx in order to earn a fixed interest rate, has become the first platform to incorporate imUSD.

Now Savers can unlock liquidity by depositing imUSD into ARCx’s platform to acquire ARCx’s stablecoin, STABLEx. STABLEx earns a fixed interest rate, and using the protocol also earns ARCx, their Governance Token.

Screenshot showing an example of minting STABLEx using imUSD

imUSD holders can also participate in ARCx yield farming by becoming a liquidity provider on Uniswap with USDC and STABLEx.

You can learn more about ARCx’s platform on their website, and by watching their explainer videos.

imUSD is designed to be DeFi’s secure, high yielding collateral. This is the first of many integrations to come. If you are an app that would like to integrate, please reach out on our discord.

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