A Chapter In The Life of Rochelle Elise Estrada

A young journalist who has a strong passion for storytelling.

Estrada poses in the School of Communication and Media. : Photo Courtesy of Shuhrat Kabir

Rochelle Elise Estrada is currently an incoming senior at Rosa Parks High School. Even though Estrada is only 17 years old, she is already filled with passion and ambition to be the best at whatever she does.

Estrada claims to have been “lost from the start, not knowing what to do.”

She had always associated with people who had a clear view of life, and what they wanted to do. Surrounded by such people, she had the feeling of pressure. As if she had to know exactly who she was, and what she wanted to do with her life.

The journey of self discovery was a difficult and long process, in which Estrada had gone through tons of experiences, setbacks, and changes.

She tried everything. From trying to become a musician, to trying to find a passion and a love for art.

Ever since a young age, Estrada has however always had a certain love for literature. She had the support of her friends and family, as they encouraged her by providing her with lots of reading material.

“Reading has helped me escape time, when I really needed it,” said Estrada.

She had always thought that these stories had their own beauty, and wondered how she could express her love for reading in her own way.

Growing up as a creative child, it was no surprise that when Estrada initiated her endeavor of writing, the words just flowed.

The books that she had grown up reading were her inspiration. “I want to give back to the books that have given me so much,” Estrada remarked

At one point, there was the issue of self doubt and fear of failure. Often times, she would doubt her writing abilities and at times she would lose confidence in herself.

Instead of letting it derail her, she used these feelings to move forward.

“The fear pushed me to do better, to be better,” said Estrada.

At the age of ten, Estrada realized that she wanted to express her emotions and let out her passion on paper. She wanted to be a writer, a journalist, a story teller.

Estrada looks passionately at the school she wants to attend in the future. Photo courtesy of Shuhrat Kabir

Rochelle Elise Estrada. She had obstacles along the way, but this aspiring writer is on the right track.

