Coping with Difficulties May Call for Interesting Solutions

Frini Dominici — Photo by Angel Baez

Many students face challenges in their pursuit of success. These challenges can vary from stress to academic difficulties, but for Frini Dominici, the struggles go much deeper then that.

While Dominici works hard to pursue his endeavors, it’s not all easy for him. His anxiety has interfered with many academic activities and has affected him at a personal level.

Dominici finds journalism as a method of coping with these difficulties.

“It forces me out of my comfort zone,” says Dominici.

Journalism allows him to interact with others but is extremely difficult due to his condition. He dares himself to go beyond his limits for the purpose of coping with his condition.

Born on April 2nd, 2002, Dominici has loved literature since ninth grade. Dominici attends Passaic Preparatory in Passaic, New Jersey and has been involved in various club concerning performance arts, which include theater but most importantly his high school’s newspaper club.

In his high school's newspaper club, Dominici’s mentors would assign him the task of interviewing students for various reasons. Whether it was athletes or regular students, Dominici would venture out and extract stories from people in his community to publish.

These methods of combating his difficulties have proven to be effective. Being an introvert, then converting into an extrovert was a big leap for him.

Not only has he used journalism to cope with his difficulties, but has also used it as a way to absorb informative literature simultaneously.

“It’s not about when you solve your problem, it’s about the process of how you solve your problems,” says Dominici.

Dominici believes that struggling is an effective way of overcoming many challenges. It allows him to understand what is needed to solve an issue or complication.

Dominici has found a way to cope with his hardships while doing something he is passionate about.



Angel Baez
Montclair State University Summer Journalism Workshop

Angel is a 9th grader at John F. Kennedy high school in Paterson, NJ. Is extremely enthusiastic about the news industry.