If You Have, Give

“I didn’t stop and think, I just went,” Kamil Santana says. “I ran.”

For Santana, the recipe for a successful life is simple. You must feel a certain responsibility to give back, to put others’ needs before yours.

This perspective of hers is not a textbook definition but rather a very personal standard. When her younger brother Aaron was just a year old, he ran out into the street, directly in the path of an oncoming car.

Her immediate action saved his life: she was able to pull him to the sidewalk safely.

This incident just exemplifies what she already knows. As the sixteen-year-old daughter of Dominican immigrants, Kamil was raised in a home where selflessness was paramount.

Having a father who had to leave high school to work and support his family has shown Kamil her privilege in comparison. “My church has a food bank every Saturday,” Santana says. “My mom, me, and my brother help out.”

This experience further fueled her desire to help others, especially those who cannot help themselves.

“I’ve wanted to become a lawyer since middle school,” she recalls. “You know, lawyers are the defenders of the public.”

Santana speaks unabashedly of her faith. In fact, within the first 10 minutes of our interview she quotes the Bible.

‘“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.’”

“God is all about helping people,” she muses. “You brother, your sister, everyone.” Everyone, Kamil believes, has a chance in life.

If she can assist them in any way, if she can guide them through advice, then her life is fulfilled. Having a big heart is important in our journey. How else can good be spread in this world?

Giving advice to others is one of her most cherished strengths, and one that comes very naturally. According to Kamil, it is actually a win-win situation. The advice giver will walk away with answers to issues they perhaps needed help on as well.

Though some people might feel nervous at giving quality advice, Kamil thinks it’s quite basic. “You help guide people in the right direction. That’s all it is,” she laughs.

