It Doesn’t have to be College

Yodney Mejia

Yodney Mejia has decided to take a different route than the average high schooler. He has decided to go to a trade school instead of a traditional college to learn HVAC (heating ventilation Air Conditioning).

Mejia is the youngest of three children. He grew up in Passaic, New Jersey and has lived their for nearly 16 years. For a brief time he lived in south Carolina for 8 months. He is sixteen years old, and was born February 17, 2001.

Yodney Mejia didn’t initially choose HVAC. He first decided to learn about being a computer technologist. When he was in school he was accidentally placed into HVAC and was stuck. The 2 semester class was not anywhere near what he had in mind for himself but he was there for the long trip. At first Yodney did not like the class for the first quarter, but by the second one he started to enjoy. He has been learning about HVAC for 2 years.

The point of this story is to show that even if it’s not your first choice you can always make something out of an uncomfortable situation.

