Rylan Sandoval

Just to Play the Game


By: Kelly Williams

A game that has been played for generations was once again taken up by two teams last night at Yogi Berra Stadium. The two teams being the New Jersey Jackals and the Cuban National Team. Both teams played fierce, with the Jackals winning 3–1.

Rylan Sandoval NJ Jackals Player

But yet what is the cost of playing the game that so many flock to see or play? Well the cost is very simple but fleeting, and that is time. “It’s definitely a full time job, no time really to do anything else,” said Rylan Sandoval, a NJ Jackals player. With training and traveling the players don’t get any time to really relax or do much of anything outside of baseball. Even with how hard it is to deal with the struggles of the sport most if not all would not give up the chance to play.

Not only do the players have to give up so much but they have to put most of their effort into the game and the training that goes into it. When the players are not working or playing most of their time is spent training. “ The hardest part about this is keeping you body in shape to play everyday,” said Sandoval.

While some players have to go through a bit more with traveling and being away from their family a few of the players live relatively close and only have to make a short drive to practice or games. “I am lucky enough to be from here and play here,” said Isaac Pavlik.

Isaac Pavlik

Yet some how the players come back day after day ready to play another game and to put their who lives on the field. “Defiantly staying in the baseball world, it’s what I know, it’s basically my major,” said Sandoval. It also can’t be too hard either when the they win the games like they did last night.

