Living it by the minute

Thomas Flowers II says “live life by the minute.” He’s a young African American male, of average height, 16 years of age who wants to train for combat for the Army.

His father, Tom, served in the Navy but that life isn’t for him. “I don’t like water,” Flowers said. He said he wanted to look down and be able to see his boots on the ground.

Though he could be serving in a dangerous part of the world in the Army, he’s not nervous about that. “I’m afraid of spiders but that’s about it,” Flowers said.

He would love to enroll in the Army quickly after he graduates from Panther Creek North Carolina High School because he wants to do something with his life and wants to be successful. He would like to enroll in college after he finishes his military service.

He would like to be helpful to his family and useful in life.

Flowers is so committed to what he wants to accomplish that he goes out into the shooting ranges to practice on his aiming. He goes with his father once or twice a month.

He keeps going to the gym and working out like if he was in the Army so then when he goes to the army training he will be ready.

Flowers’ philosophy of living life by the minute is that anything can happen at any moment. “I can walk outside and a refrigerator can fall out of an airplane,” he said. “If something is going to happen it’s going to happen.”

By Yodney Mejia

“Living it by the minute”

