Omarlys Rodriguez poses by SCM (Photo by Dayanara Calderon-Rosario)

An active member in both her church and her school, Omarlys Rodriguez talks about balancing school, sports, and her social life.

Born and raised in Passaic, Rodriguez says that every town has a good and a bad side, and that character depends on what side you live on. She credits her good character on not only her environment but, also on her parents.

“I feel like Passaic has many bad influences and it’s easy to fall into the trap, but, I think good character is important, especially in that environment because you need to be able to keep your composure,” said Rodriguez.

Having immigrated from the Dominican Republic, Rodriguez’s parents have always made sure to provide a safe environment for their children so that they can succeed.

Omarlys working on an assignment (Photo by Dayanara Calderon-Rosario)

For that reason, Rodriguez has since enrolled into a Prep Academy that require students to take AP classes in freshman year. Since enrolling into the academy, she has joined Spanish Club and Varsity Volleyball team.

Rodriguez says that balancing all of these aspects of her life can be stressful and frustrating. However, it’s all part of her plan to become a Physical Therapist in the future. Along with expanding her passion for journalism that she has since discovered after joining the Montclair Journalism Program.

Despite all of this, Rodriguez continues to be a normal student who enjoys things like basketball (her favorite team is the Boston Celtics). She also winds down by participating in her church by volunteering with the youth.

Being a member of the Christian church, Rodriguez has some thoughts on the recent events regarding the child abuse that is continuously becoming uncovered.

“It’s really dangerous and scary that religious leaders can cause harm to the people they are supposed to protect, especially the kids,” said Rodriguez.

However after everything Rodriguez is facing in her personal life, she still likes to look on the bright side. She enjoys reminiscing about the time she went to Florida on a vacation with her extended family.

Omarlys with her family (Photo by unknown)

It was her first time in Florida and she says that is was nice having her whole family together, having fun, going to new places, and creating brand new memories that will last a lifetime.

Her close relationship to her family has led to the fierce protection of her younger sister saying that she wants to protect her sister from the heartbreak, harsh bullying, and insecurities that come with becoming an adolescent and entering high school because she “knows what these kids are capable of.”



Daya Calderon-Rosario
Montclair State University Summer Journalism Workshop

Determined and passionate opportunist willing to learn more and become a better person.