Proactive Girl Scout Enters New Stage in Her Life

Brianna Badolato is an incoming MSU Television Production freshman who spends a lot of time giving back to those in need.

Brianna Badolato using equipment in the MSU School of Communications and Media building. Photo by Sabrina Freay.

From a young age, Brianna Badolato had to learn another language — sign language. Her younger sister Carissa was born premature and had a difficult time speaking as a young child so Badolato used sign language to help her.

Over the years, Badolato decided to keep learning sign language and that made her push harder to achieve greater things. Badolato spends most of her time giving back to the community. She’s been a Girl Scout for thirteen years.

Being a Girl Scout is very important to her because she enjoys the leadership skills she learned and the different community service project opportunities she receives. Some of these community service projects include donations from food pantries and clothing drives. Due to her troop leader also working for Relay For Life, Badolato has been given opportunities to participate in some events such as collecting donations and the American Cancer Society Walks.

A lot of people experienced many different versions of loss this past year and a half and unfortunately, Badolato was one of them. During the beginning of the pandemic, she lost her grandfather who she was very close to due to a long battle with cancer.

“I’m grateful for learning that my grandfather only had two weeks left because my uncle and I became caretakers for him. We were there all of the time and we were by his side and I cherish that moment because I had time to be there for him and prepare myself in a way,” said Badolato.

This loss was very hard on Badolato but she found a way to cope with the pain with kickboxing classes. Badolato spent most of her time kickboxing and due to her hard work, her instructor asked her to start assisting in classes.

She was very nervous to start but after a while, she got the hang of it and soon started teaching on her own. After becoming a teacher, Badolato received the opportunity to learn Brazilian Jiu Jitsu which is something she also enjoys a lot.

Badolato is soon to be a MSU freshman in the fall and is very excited to embark on this new journey in her life. Her major is Television Production and she is also potentially going to double major in business due to the many opportunities.

“I’m nervous for the fall but I’m dorming so I think I will gain a lot of independence. I want to do TV Production because my uncle has been the stage manager for Conan for twenty five years and has brought me to different award shows like the Teen Choice Award in 2018,” said Badolato.

Even though Badolato has been through a hard year, she has learned to push through that and strive for success in her upcoming freshman year at MSU.

