Q&A With Jacob Appiah

From Montclair State University Journalism Institute


Jacob Appiah looking out the window Photo by Annmarie Thomas

This is Jacob Appiah he is a very enthralling person and very opened. He likes to try different things, very adventurist. Jacob tends to thrill you as he talks about his self. He excites you every time, makes you want to know more and more about him.

Q: Where are you originally from ?

A: I’m originally from Chicago, Illinois. I did move around a lot

Q: How old are you ?

A: I’m 16 years of age

Q:What school do you go to and what grade are you in ?

A: I attend Montclair High School, and I am a sophomore.

Q:What sports do you play?

A: I play multiply sports such as , football, basketball, fencing, rugby, track thrower.

Q: What are your aspirations in life ?

A: I love to sing and entertain people. So I could really see myself performing in front of others and make them laugh.

Q: Since you like to sing, is there anything else you do? Such as dancing, playing an instrument?

A: Yes, I do dance. Soon as music come on it’s like music to my body. I take it very serious just like singing.

Q: Would you say your into fashion ?

A: Not at all, I tend to just got with the flow of things. As long as I match then thats fine with me.

Q:What do you consider yourself as? Like personality wise

A: I’m a very out going person. I like to try new things, experience different things.

Q: Do you have any fears?

A: I had a fear of frogs and afraid of heights, but I got over those fears. I like to look at as adapting to it. I learned how to get over them by actually trying them out.

Q: Would you say you like to speak a lot ?

A: Yes I do tend to speak a lot. I like to get my point across to people, to let them know what’s really on my mind. Thats just me, I like to be heard.

Q: Anything else you would like to share with me?

A: I forgot to mention, I lived in Florida for about nine years.

Well that’s all about Jacob and his wonderful personal life. As you can see he’s a very interesting person and makes his life very exciting. All these things he does to keep his life very active.

