Reverse Dugouts

Ari Kaufman pitches against former teammates


Ari Kaufman being interviewed by students from the Montclair Summer Journalism Program. Photo by Erika Martinez.

Ari Kaufman's opponents’ at last nights game was more than just another team, it was his old team. This is Kaufman's first full season professionally, he played half a season with his opponents, the Jackals.

As a pitcher, Kaufman pitches every five days. Unfortunately, Kaufman didn’t play in Tuesday nights game and the Miners lost, with the final score 5–7.

The tough lost just may have Kaufman questioning if he should've dug his feet into the ground and stayed with the Jackals.

Kaufman has been going nonstop with baseball since the age of six. He does grueling workouts daily, to help with core, legs, and of course, for a pitcher arms, to keep him in shape. He even lives with a host family, alongside another teammate. One may ask, is it all enough to get him into the major league?

According to Kaufman, Tuesday nights game was the night the Miners signed a new player from Miami. Fans have yet to see this new team member as apart of the Miners, but their expectations are high. The opening for a new player could be the closing for another, Kaufman just might need to watch his back.

Panorama of Yogi Berra Stadium. Photo by Kyle Kulikowski.

“The minute the nerves wear off is the minute I’ll be done playing.” Kaufman said.

Kaufman described how nerves are normal, especially for him, no matter which team he is playing against. To Kaufman, the nerves express his passion for the sport. Whether the nerves are for hopes to get to the major league or a new teammate, the nerves are important for him. If those few jitters go away before each game, there is no longer that drive and joy to keep pursuing baseball. His joy for baseball has led him to his proudest moment.

“My proudest moment was getting a contract with this team.” Kaufman shared.

Hopefully the Miners win each game, allowing Kaufman to achieve his dreams of playing Major League Baseball “MLB”. Fingers crossed that Kaufman's contract with the Miners and his hard work land him a spot in the future, on his favorite team, the New York Yankees.

