One Teen and Her Many Forms of Art

Jennifer Guizar

Jade Toussaint outside of Muchuga Heights

Rising high school senior Jade Toussaint is breaking boundaries through her artwork.

Toussaint uses multiple creative outlets and hobbies to quench her thirst for creativity. Her creative profile consists of drawing, creative writing, sculpting and animating.

Her love for art began at the early age of 5.

“All my life I knew how to draw, even before I could talk,” she said.

Toussaint has discovered a new creative hobby — making clothes. The idea came from one of her school friends and opened the door to a new creative path.

“I’ve made tops, scrunchies, and right now I’m making a skirt,” said Toussaint.

She is originally from Jersey City but has been moving from city to city ever since she was young. She now lives in Orange, where she attends Orange High School.

Growing up, Toussaint dealt with a speech impediment, which made it difficult to communicate and express herself. She relied on creativity to put herself out there.

Creating through art, fashion, writing, and animation has made a significant impact on Toussaint’s life.

“What I have finished and what I have done is what I’m the most proud of in my life,” she said.

“Polka Dots” by Jade Toussaint

The most rewarding part of creating something new for Toussaint, is being able to look back and be satisfied with the work done.

“I really enjoy the feeling you get when you create something and you like it,” explains Toussaint. “It’s euphoric.”

Toussaint’s advice for people who want to create but are feeling uninspired is to “take a nap and then wake up and do it, because motivation is hard to find.”

Toussaint continues her search for new hobbies and creative outlets to expand her knowledge as a creator.

“I’m an ambiguous person in general and all around so I really can’t stick to just one form of art.”



Jennifer Guizar
Montclair State University Summer Journalism Workshop

Jennifer is a high school senior at Rosa L. Parks High School interested in journalism and news publication.