High School Student Dreams Big at Journalism Program

The Story of Trin Caviness


Trin Caviness thinking about her future in the film industry. Photo by Alec Oppenheim

Trin Caviness is a rising junior at Montclair High School. After high school she wants to go to NYU. She has a 3.7 GPA and plans to major in creative writing.

After college, she plans to be a writer for a sitcom on any major television network.

“I would probably like to write for NBC mainly because of all of the superstars that have walked through those halls before me,” she said, “Just to be a part of that in any way is unbelievable.”

She said she would be grateful to write for any show, but when asked which one in particular she had a lot to say.

“I would love to write for SNL,” she said, “Just the history and influence of it over the past 40 years. It’s the greatest thing in the world being able to make people laugh, and SNL has been such a huge part of this country’s culture for such a long time and it would be a dream come true to be able to write for them.”

Trin has been on the path of writing her entire life. Her mother is an editorial director for planned parenthood, which is a nonprofit organization that does research into and gives advice on contraception, family planning, and reproductive problems. She has a role model with her mother writing for a living.

“I’ve always admired what my mom does, and I love comedy, and I’ve always wanted to be a writer,” she said.

Trin was very anxious about coming to Montclair State University.

“It’s a great experience for me to have going forward,” she said.

Trin has also done other programs like this one at NYU and continues to gain as much knowledge and experience as possible before she goes to college and beyond.

