Pros and Cons: My Thoughts on AI

MZ digital writing assignments
2 min readFeb 19, 2024

Recently, artificial intelligence programs have been a major topics across every news feed I follow. AI comes up frequently in all areas of conversations, ranging from video generation, to newsroom content, to social networking. I’ve written about how AI might impact news outlets for a previous class, and have since followed the topic to see how quickly this software changes the way we use technology.

When used properly, I think artificial intelligence programs like Chat GPT can be a really great tool. I recently used the program to reword my resume, outline a cover letter, help generate discussion questions for a lesson plan and more. When used as a helping factor, this tool can be really beneficial. Within seconds the program suggested debate prompts for my history lesson plan, and can help find statistics, supporting data. I’ve even used it to generate recipes. This is an incredibly powerful tool that when used properly, can make our lives so much easier.

But with this power comes a great challenge. While the program can be rather helpful, its usage can often do more harm than good. Since the January 2023 launch of Chat GPT, nearly all of my class syllabi have included a statement on the AI policy. Shortly after the initial release, all of my communications professors were instructed to tell students that any use of this software to cheat on assignments would result in an automatic failure for the course.

Out of curiosity, I’ve typed sample essay prompts into these programs, and honestly I think it’s fairly obvious that the results are computer generated. There’s often errors in grammar and format, and above all it’s clear that there’s a lack of human emotion in the writing. I wrote about this in my previously mentioned essay on how AI will affect future newsrooms: this types of writing, while great when trying to meet a tight deadline or get information published quickly, lacks a sense of empathy you can only get from a human.

This type of program is so quickly evolving and rising in popularity. Some of the voice mimicking, and video generation programs are downright scary. Some of these artificially generated videos or recordings are so realistic, celebrities are suing the creators for stealing their likeness, and using their personalities without consent.

All in all, with change naturally comes fear. Overall this could be a learning experience, but one can’t help but fear what might happen if AI were to take control? Again, these programs can be an incredibly powerful tool, but if we don’t take the time to learn how to properly control this power, there’s no telling what these programs might lead to.

