Dan Lee
To the ends of the earth!
5 min readMar 4, 2020

By Josie Allen (1st year apprentice)

Our MBM Youth Team took 97 teenagers in years 6–12 away for 4 awesome days of worship, bible, games, discussion, and so much more! It was super hot (48*!), I slept in my car (and woke up to some youth cling wrapping the car around me!) but it was so awesome and encouraging! It left me exhausted for the whole of January, but also so excited to see ministries kick off for the year, knowing that God is in control.

Our theme for the camp was FACE TO FACE, as we looked at having intimacy with the Lord, and the way we can be in his presence because of Jesus!

Sam Haywood (from St Paul’s Castle Hill) preached 4 sermons for us on seeking the Face of God! One line that stood out for me;

“He turned his face away from Jesus on the cross so that he could turn it towards us”

Some of our leaders ran Breakout (workshop) sessions for youth, helping them to think through being close with God- creatively, through pain, in dating, and in conflict- as well as how to share this into their lives and cultures.

We called youth to repent, had the joy of seeing God move kids to give their lives to Jesus! Please praise God with us, and rejoice over kids who have moved from death to life!

“You won’t ever be good enough for a perfect, holy God to love you… Through Jesus we are MADE holy!”

I had the personal privilege of both heading up our community teams (overseeing games/ activities, catering, welcoming, communicating with parents, and fundraising) and also leading year 12 girls on camp.


Here’s what a couple of NEW year 7 boys shared about how our community time on camp helped them settle into youth, and into Launch.

”I loved the swimming pool because I got to make some friends”

”I loved capture the flag because I liked running around with friends and having fun”

Heading up the community teams was TIRING! Prep started August 2019, and it only ramped up as we got closer to camp. I really learnt the value of good role descriptions as I prepped, being directed towards making God’s name great in the roles I had been given, and as I discipled my team leaders.

Something that really challenged me was organising (with our youth pastor) our church partnership strategy. Our goal for Launch 20 was to raise $11000 to support both youth and volunteers to pay their way to camp. We tried stacks of things to help our church partner with us- from upfront appeals, to gelato fundraisers, to personal conversations.

By God’s grace, and the generosity of people who are passionate to see youth transformed, we raised $13,000, exceeding my prayers! I was so reminded how good God is, and that he provides for his kingdom work!

YEAR 12’S:

One of my biggest highlights from Launch was that one of my own year 12 girls give her life to Jesus! I was able to have a few conversations with her about living for Jesus, particularly in her home. She was super open about how she struggles to see God at work in her home, and in people she cares about. Please pray that she would be encouraged and supported by her Christian friends at school and youth.

I also got to see how God works in the hearts of believers, as I watched one of the girls I have led for 3 years wrestle with trusting God through some really difficult home situations. She shared with me on the last day;

“I wanted to go home on the first day and then I realised that this group is also my home”

My other big highlight was that I was able to teach two year 6 girls to read the Bible on their own during our Be Still time (time alone with God).

One of the girls shared afterwards;

“I loved learning about God for myself, and I can’t wait to tell my Nanna because she always reads the Bible with me, and will be so excited that I can learn it for myself!”

I don’t think I can explain the joy of Launch any better than the youth themselves, so here’s some of my favorite quotes from youth who were encouraged over the Launch to be living for Jesus!

“I feel a sense of peace”

”I know that Jesus loves me for sure now and I want to spend my life living for him!”

”I have been reading the bible the last couple of days and I am so encouraged to go home and make it part of my daily life”

“Jesus doesn’t care about my past but loves me as I am now”

Through all the craziness of Launch, my biggest takeaway was the reminder of God’s goodness, as well as many prayers to be patient and loving, as the sleeplessness of camp often leads to an irritated Josie.

I love youth, and I love seeing God at work- what a gift to do this for four days straight!



Dan Lee
To the ends of the earth!

The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.