Media Composability in Web3

Malte Sielski
MTX Studio
Published in
3 min readJun 22, 2022

About MTX Studio

MTX Studio is a team of leading developers and product experts that help companies and brands understand, navigate and build in Web3.

Media Composability and NFTs

The first generation of NFTs were static. Examples are artworks of artists, collections of static images that are a final product to be consumed by fans and collectors. However, we believe art never stands still but is ever evolving. Art lives from the interaction of artists and fans. Simultaneously, artists inspire each other and create on top of each other’s legacy. Everything is a remix.

From static JPGs to composable and creatively extendable media. In the past 3 months, we worked on designing and building a smart contract and composability engine called PRISM which allows NFTs to be creatively composed at an owner’s direction.

We chose a PFP collection as a simple entry use case. In existing collections like BAYC or CryptoPunks each NFT and its final output (the generated JPG) are static and final.

Most NFTs are static and immutable. Your IRL identity changes a lot, how about your digital identity? Credit to the owner.

With PRISM, each trait is represented as its own non-fungible or semi-fungible token.

A so called master NFT allows you to update the composition of your digital identity on a smart contract and visual level. From a visual perspective the master NFT is a blank canvas. On a token level a non-fungible, unique token.

We at MTX Studio built a Prototype called CyberFrens top of PRISM with the talented PixelArtist SynthePixel. Instead of having one immutable visual output attached to an NFT, each trait is dynamically composable at any point in time.

Everything is a remix.

For your reference, check this short video on our current Beta composition frontend.

CyberFrens Composability trailer.

Composability with PRISM

NFTs are a perfectly suited technology to enable traceable re-combination of digital assets.

Creators can collaboratively create projects, upload trait layers and mint these as non-fungible or semi-fungible tokens. Owners can dynamically update their NFT composition through the PRISM composability engine.

Each trait will be represented as its own token, each with varying degrees of uniqueness: some are semi-fungible, others unique.

This enables three things:

  • owners can assemble their avatar in every combinatory possibility with traits they own
  • traits are tradable
  • additional items like new skins, accessories or in-game items can be added along the way; collections are expandable

Metaverse Compatibility

What if you could not only update the looks of your PFP but also your metaverse avatar? This requires us to integrate with existing standards and nail the intricacies of 3D modelling. What is explorative ground for now, shall become reality in the future. As the multiverse is growing rapidly, so should the portability of your digital identity. As our contracts are open source, we welcome developers and product wizards to build their own use cases on top of PRISM!

Calling for artists, creators and communities!

Are you an artist or digital creator and looking to publish your collection in a novel and metaverse compatible fashion? Do you want to collaborate with other artists in a seamless fashion?

PRISM is looking for artists and brands to publish NFT projects with composability in mind. SynthePixel at CyberFrens invites other Pixel magicians to contribute art to the soon to be launched genesis collection. Collaborative trajectories are endless, jump on board!

DM us on twitter or reach out via mail to

Polygon Studios strategic partnership

We are happy to embark on our journey with Polygon as the technical infrastructure of choice and Polygon Studios as a strategic partner to grow PRISM. Polygon is the perfect partner as they focus on providing the best NFT, gaming and metaverse infrastructure.

