Why Self-care IS Important

Contrary to popular belief, it’s not all about pampering yourself.

Tricia Quintos
Much Love, Tricia
2 min readJun 30, 2020


Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

Self-care is important.

It is not about being selfish or self-centered or narcissistic.
It is not about being picky and overly selective.
It is not about putting yourself on a pedestal and thinking you’re above others.

Self-care is healthy.

It is knowing when to say YES and when to say NO.
It is understanding that you have boundaries and that you get to have the final say on matters about you.
It is paying attention to the tiny details within you and respecting your limits.
It is attentively listening to your self — your mind, body, heart, and soul and all that they have to say.
It is caring for and nurturing your entire being.
It is taking responsibility for your actions and decision.
It is recognizing that you deserve what is right and best for you.
It is finding what feels good for you and acknowledging that it will not be the same as that of other people.
It is forgiving yourself time and time again. And forgiving others, even those who don’t get to say sorry.
It is having the courage to let go even if it’s the toughest thing to do.
It is letting yourself heal at your own pace. And rising back up again at your own time.
It is taking time off for yourself. To recharge. To realign your priorities. To recenter your energies.
It is realizing that you are exactly where you’re supposed to be.
It is standing up and fighting for what you believe in.
It accepting that you’re on your own adventure. That there’s no need to compare yourself with other people’s journey.
It is loving yourself — just as you genuinely are.

So don’t be afraid or ashamed to put yourself first.
And remember, you can only abundantly give out what you truly have within.

Much Love,
Tricia ❤



Tricia Quintos
Much Love, Tricia

I write about anything and everything — what I think, what I love, and what I care for. On a mission to let you know that you’re not alone. ❤