What Life is Really All About

Tricia Quintos
Much Love, Tricia
Published in
2 min readJun 9, 2020
Photo by Peter Conlan on Unsplash

Appreciate the in-betweens.
The moments when you feel stuck and you can’t move forward.
The days when nothing seems to go the right way, the right direction.
The hopeful anticipation, like a passenger on a layover awaiting the next flight out.
The wait, the going around in circles like plans in a holding pattern.
The long bus rides and unending walks.
The perpetual queues for coffee and lines for movies.

Take pride in the time of hoping and wishing and wondering what could be.
Be grateful for the middle grounds, the place where you finally realize that the journey is better than the destination.
Because it’s here, in the in-between, that you get to learn about yourself. About life. Your life.

It’s here that you discover that life is about having fun.
It’s about making stories and creating life-long memories.
It’s about spending time with the people you love. About making time for them.
It’s about sharing moments — all the good, the bad and the everything in between.
It’s about seeing the world, all its flaws and beauty, and appreciating it anyway.
It’s about bravely trying out new things, especially those that scare the hell out of you.
It’s about being open-minded and open-hearted. About saying YES to things that are out of your comfort zones.
It’s about messing up multiple times and still choosing to get up the next.
It’s about figuring out your next steps and constantly learning along the way.
It’s about being kind and loving to the people around you. Not just to the few ones, but to everyone.
It’s about being caring and respectful of the environment in ways big and small.
It’s about doing what you can with what you have.
It’s about being the best at who you are today and willingly working on who you can be.
It’s about fighting for what is right and standing up for what you believe in, especially at times when it’s the hardest thing to do.
It’s about giving back, sharing what you have, and being of service.
It’s about being there for people when they need you the most.
It’s about using your voice and doing what you can to make this world, to leave this world, a much better place.
It’s about seizing every moment to be who we are meant to be.
Because life is really all about cherishing every single moment and making the most of the time, the gifts, the opportunities, and the days you have.

Much Love,
Tricia ❤



Tricia Quintos
Much Love, Tricia

I write about anything and everything — what I think, what I love, and what I care for. On a mission to let you know that you’re not alone. ❤