What You’re Looking For is Within You

Tricia Quintos
Much Love, Tricia
Published in
2 min readJun 23, 2020
Photo by Holly Mandarich on Unsplash

Go out and find inspiration in your own life. In your day-to-day life.
There’s no need to feel pressured about creating something you think people will read or watch or listen to, something you think they will like or share or talk about.
Stick to what is real and right for you.
Focus on what truly matters to you, on what you genuinely care for, on what you’re passionate about.
Share about the things that get you upbeat and excited that you’re eager to tell others about it.
Talk about the good, the bad, and the in-betweens. The lovely and the messy parts. The beauty and the pains of it all.
Craft not about what looks attractive on the outside, but about your truths, your journey, your misadventures.
Be honest and intentional about your words or your music or your art.
Create with genuine meaning and purpose, with your entire being invested into it.

And when you find it — your motivation, your reason, your why — make sure you hang on and you hang on tight.
Because when you truly believe in something, you fight the good fight and you fight ’til the end.
You listen closely to the voice within, the one that pushes you to keep going.
You pour out your mind and heart and soul into what is real and essential to you.
You battle through every storm. You stand for what you value and what truly matters.
You pay attention to your vulnerabilities and accept that you have flaws and weaknesses. And that’s okay.
You understand that all things, even the not-so-good ones, happen just as they are meant to be.
You believe that no dream is too big, no goal too high, no idea too crazy.
And you realize that what you’ve been looking for has been within you all along.

Every reality, your reality, is possible. It’s yours. Go ahead and take it.
Everyone has a story to tell. And the world’s excited about yours.



Tricia Quintos
Much Love, Tricia

I write about anything and everything — what I think, what I love, and what I care for. On a mission to let you know that you’re not alone. ❤