Bypass with PHP non-alpha encoder

Published in
5 min readJan 10, 2020


In this tutorial, I will cover PHP non-alpha encoder. I will show some basic concept first before we going deeper which may cause brain damage.

so if ‘A’ xor ‘A’ should be 0. as example below:

now lets try ‘A’ xor ‘1’ :

Wait what?.. how it can be ‘p’ ? .. what’s the logic there?. Okay, okay.. I’m going back to basic.

ascii table

By opening online calculator

calculator xor

In hex, ‘A’ is ‘0x41’ and ‘1’ is ‘0x31’ , it is not really 0x01. So after xor the value, it get ‘0x70’ which may be the alphabet of ‘p’ in ascii table

Okay now, what is non-alpha?
Non-alphanumeric characters that are considered to be symbols are also treated as white space.
The question is?.. can non-alpha be constructing to become strings?.. answer: Yes!!

Okay, let’s take a look again. in hex table, I will use hex 0x20 to 0x40 and 0x7B until 0x7E, so it is not in alphabet range. so with this combination, I try to construct a string

You have the basic concept now. Lets fire-up our PHP-cli (I will use php7.x). As we know variable declaration in most…

