How to Find and Research 100x Altcoin Crypto Gems

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5 min readSep 2, 2021

It’s hard to keep up with how many new tokens are released every day onto various blockchain networks. Across Ethereum and BSC alone you can find hundreds, even thousands, of new coins almost every day. Obviously, most of these are shitcoins made by newbies looking to cash in on crypto hype, or outright scams. Somewhere in there, though, amongst all the scam artists and newbie shitcoiners, are those rare tokens offering the potential for 100x or even 1000x to investors.

Knowing how to tell them apart is the single most valuable skill for crypto investors today.

How to Discover 100x Crypto Gems

It boils down to two things:

  1. Spot the potential crypto gem before anyone else
  2. Immediately research and verify its potential

Let’s break that down.

How to Find 100x Altcoins Before They Explode

Being one of the first to notice a potential 100x coin is key. The traditional financial investment would benefit from “insider trading” — knowing a guy who knew a guy was the best way to work out an asset’s worth. Not only is that — understandably — illegal, it’s also not necessary with crypto. All transactions are public and transparent. You don’t need a man on the inside because you’re already there.

So what do you need to look for?

Here’s how early-stage crypto works:

  1. Tokens are deployed on the blockchain, with liquidity added to a decentralized exchange (DEX).
  2. Token creators implement controls, such as locking liquidity, to protect investors and build trust and confidence.
  3. Marketing lets the masses know while the token is listed on the exchange.

You usually find out about tokens at step 3, when they hit the exchange and marketing kicks off.

Too bad, you’re already too late. Everyone else knows about it too.

The trick is to find out about the gem before it gets to marketing. In traditional finance, this would be next to impossible. With crypto, it’s much easier; token deployment, liquidity addition, and control mechanism implementation are all recorded in blockchain transactions.

If you’re looking through transactions, you can absolutely find those gems before they hit the market.

But like we said. There are hundreds, thousands of new tokens, every day. It is impossible to physically monitor blockchain explorers and analyze transactions in real-time.

At least, impossible for a human.

For an app, it’s much easier. That’s where Mudra Discover comes in; a ground-breaking app that helps you find crypto gems before anyone else.

Mudra Discover for the BSC network keeps track of the BEP-20 tokens when they lock liquidity in real-time. It also displays the liquidity value and liquidity lock period directly from blockchain transactions and smart contracts. The tokens with a decent liquidity value locked for a year or more are the ones that really have a chance of becoming the next dogecoin.

How to Research Cryptocurrency Tokens Before Investing

You’ve discovered a gem. Time to invest, right?

Not yet; all that glitters is not gold, and what looks like a gem could be a dud. You need to research the fundamentals of the app in-depth, but while you’re doing that a hundred new potential gems are just flying past you undetected.

Luckily there is a dapp for this purpose as well: Mudra Research is the most advanced and comprehensive token scan tool available. In a matter of seconds, you can learn all of the critical parameters associated with any BSC token such as:

Token Ownership

Does the token have an owner with special privileges, or has it been renounced by contract ownership being assigned to a burn address? Owners with privileged access are able to pull off scams — beware.

Token Burn

Token burn is when the available supply of tokens is depleted by shifting an amount to a dead address with no keys that cannot swap tokens. You want to see developers burning their tokens to prevent a dump — around 30–50%.

Token Contract

Verified Contract Source code available on a blockchain explorer provides transparency for users interacting with smart contracts.

Token Mint

Mintable tokens can be created and dumped at will, as they have an infinite supply. Mudra Research will find if this is the case.


Non-privileged users are not permitted to transfer or sell honeypot tokens. Mudra Research conducts an analysis of smart contract code in order to identify this malicious mechanism.

Liquidity Pool Value

Developers must establish a liquidity pool in order to trade on certain services. A $100K USD or greater liquidity pool value shows a genuine investment into the token and indicates it’s not a scam or shitcoin.

Liquidity Pool Token Allocation

This is a highly overlooked metric for evaluating a token. Liquidity Pool Token Allocation refers to the portion of the “tradable” token supply that has been allocated to liquidity pools. If a significant portion of the “tradable” token supply is allocated to LPs (which, by the way, should be locked; more on that later), the developer’s share is reduced, and they are unable to profit from dumping their share. Otherwise, they can benefit from dumping their share only if the token price appreciates slightly. For newly released tokens, the LP Token allocation percentage should be as high as possible; while 100 percent is ideal, a figure of around 20% is a good starting point.

Locked Liquidity

Locking liquidity stops developers from “rugpulling” or withdrawing liquidity from PancakeSwap and fleeing with the money. Typically developers store these in timed, third-party lockers; doing so increases trust and confidence in the token. However, sometimes developers use custom lockers with no transparency, in preparation for a scam.

Mudra Research checks with all popular BSC LP lockers to verify the developer’s claims. If Mudra Research is able to locate a locker for token liquidity, it will report the percentage of token liquidity that is locked and will provide links to all available lockers.

Locked Liquidity Time

Assuming the liquidity is locked, for how long? Ideally, you want to see a year, maybe more. A few months only allows developers to rugpull fairly early on, scamming investors.

With these two dapps, you can identify and research crypto gems ahead of the competition, and who knows, you might become the next poster boy for the crypto rags to riches story.

