3 Reasons Why Mudrex Is As Secure As It Can Get! | Mudrex Blog

Avani Gokhale
Published in
4 min readJul 14, 2020

Safeguarding your funds and privacy is our number one priority at Mudrex. The major hindrance that a lot of investors face is ensuring that their funds would remain secure. The internet is rife with stories of hacking, frauds and scams in and around the crypto world. Owing to this, it makes an investor pause before deciding whether to venture into cryptocurrency at all. Not only the investors, but also traders face ambivalence when it comes to choosing a platform for trading. The biggest glitch in their minds is whether the trading platform is secure for their transactions. The purpose of this blog is to answer these questions in the minds of our potential customers.

In one of our previous articles, we informed you about Crypto Scams. However, in this article we will tell you 3 ways how Mudrex protects itself from them -

1. Your Strategy is safe with us.

The Mudrex Strategy Builder tool enables you to create your own trading bot. In addition to that, other users can use your trading bot to invest their funds in it and churn profits. The users cannot see your bot architecture. They can only invest. You would be investing your hard earned money into these strategies. As a result, it is very important to ensure that these trading bots are safe to invest in. Hence we have an extensive review process for every bundle that gets published on Mudrex. Also, any trading strategy that you create is encrypted and stored in a database not accessible to anyone (including our employees). Complete power on making any changes to the trading strategy and the capital deployed on it remains in your hands at all times.

2. Information protection

We fully understand the value of your information and the consequences of such information being compromised. Hence we make its protection a very high priority. Transparency is one of the pillars on which Mudrex rests and we fully adhere to it. We use bank-level AES-256 encryption on our servers. To top it off employee access is restricted to user accounts. To ensure transparency, especially when it comes to payments, every month we share a payment deduction alert email with our users. The invoices are made available monthly via email and also on the user Mudrex account for later reference.

3. Ensuring adherence to the highest standards

A major issue for a user is building trust. We believe that this can be built by ensuring a very high security standard. A security-standard in the crypto space, commonly referred to as CCSS (Cryptocurrency Security Standard), was introduced in 2014 to provide guidance specific to the secure management of cryptocurrencies. CCSS is broken into three levels of increasing security. Mudrex is at level III (being the highest). In level III of CCSS, multiple actors are required for the all-critical actions. Advanced authentication mechanisms are employed to ensure authenticity of data, and assets are distributed geographically and organizationally.
Enabling 2-factor authentication is an important step towards making your account secure. In accordance with CCSS, we have a 2-Factor Authentication using Google Auth in place which you can set up following six easy steps.

To conclude, yes we understand that trading cryptocurrency can be a tricky business. But we have taken the right measures to make this journey easy and safe for you at every step. We understand how important it is for you to be 1000% sure that your money and information is safe with us. And we constantly succeed to give you exactly that. Our 6000+ users already appreciate and trust us for our platform’s safety and transparency. We invite you to join our Mudrex family.

Nevertheless, if at any point you feel that something isn’t right and you need assistance, you can contact us at support@mudrex.com. Alternatively, you can also reach out to us on Discord. We are available 24×7, even on weekends.

Get creative with your strategies and trade safe!


A few quick references below:

Originally published at https://blog.mudrex.com on July 14, 2020.



Avani Gokhale
Writer for

Social Media Marketer, Crypto newbie, passionate for a more sustainable planet