Marketplace Update Q4 2019: 11 out of 13 make profits. 6 give >10% returns

Edul Patel
Published in
3 min readJan 5, 2020

We launched the Mudrex Marketplace in Q3 2019 in ‘Alpha’ mode and spent the early days listening to user feedback and focusing on operational stability. Start of Q4 2019 we pushed the marketplace out in ‘Beta’ mode with significantly improved performance and a deeper understanding of what works for our users and what doesn’t.

6 months into the Marketplace experiment, we now plan to do a major upgrade of the entire system significantly improving the visual display and focusing on the experience of our strategy investors

Q4 2019 Highlights

  • 11/13 strategies made a profit over the last 3 months, 6 gave >10% returns
  • 264 live runs with ~500 K USD invested
  • 13 strategies live on the marketplace, 2 new strategies published last month

Top Strategies

In the last quarter, we saw what was possibly the most choppy market in BTC history. Overall BTC went down 8% from the start of the quarter, a clear directional trend.

Bitcoin dropped by 8% this month, ~24% since peak

Despite the markets being so choppy, strategies on the marketplace have done very well rewarding investors with great returns. Below are the top-performing strategies this quarter

BTC/USD pair

MoonPhvse Core: +43% Returns

MoonPhvse has been our best performing strategy in 2 of the last 3 months! At 1x leverage, users of this strategy have made ~43% returns.

PrimusAlgo: +30% returns

PrimusAlgo is a recently launched strategy in the marketplace. Primarily built as a strong up move trend catcher, it trades infrequently but maximizes returns when it does.

Orion: +22% returns

Orion had a bad start to the quarter but over time recovered with a few big wins. The strategy tends to take frequent entries and exits, loses more often than it wins.. but when it wins it wins big!


Windmill Advanced: +28% returns

BNB has had a horrible quarter where it dropped over 12% continuing the general downward trajectory. Despite the bad odds, Windmill Advanced has done remarkably well, giving investors ~28% returns! It is one of the oldest strategies on the marketplace and still performs consistently!


BlackFly: 18% returns

ETH has been the worst-performing major asset this quarter dropping over ~30% in value. BlackFly, which is our newest strategy on the marketplace did poorly at the start of the quarter, only to recover recently and ended with an 18% returns

Strategies on the Mudrex Marketplace go through constant churn. They are updated regularly by the creators who keep a lookout for changes in market conditions. Investors on these strategies are in constant communication with the creators and with the Mudrex team for help and support on our Discord Community.

If you haven’t already, then do join our community forum here:

Start growing your stack on the new Mudrex Marketplace!

Happy Trading!



Edul Patel
Editor for

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