Muhammad Ali Has no More Race to Run and no More Fighting to Do

Gail Nobles_Toons Ali
Muhammad Ali
Published in
1 min readJun 4, 2016

Muhammad Ali has no more race to run, and he doesn’t have to deal with Parkinson’s disease anymore. He has no more fighting to do. Mr. Ali is another soldier gone home. All of his hard work and accomplishments he has finished. Muhammad Ali has left us with a lot of good memories.

A few years back, I tried to reach Muhammad Ali with letters and some art because I knew I would probably never get to meet him. I wanted to talk to him and tell him how right he had been about the things he had said about life and God. Well, I’m not worried about where he might be right now because I know that he had some love for God. That is one of the memories that I am left with.

