What are we up to these days?

February 10, 2019 Newsletter

Mule Design Studio
Mule Design Studio
2 min readFeb 25, 2019


What’s Mule Doing Now?

Seventeen years ago Erika Hall and I started a design studio. We wanted to do work that people needed. We wanted to be able to choose the projects we worked on. And we wanted to make some sort of difference in the world. All that stuff is still true. Everything else has changed.

— Mike Monteiro (@monteiro)

A New Service for You!

For organizations that need more than a single workshop to start gathering useful contextual data, we now offer our Rapid Qualitative Insights Course. It’s a research service and coaching in one. We work with you figure out what you need to know and then lead the study while also mentoring members of your team.

— Mule Design (@muledesign)

Bits and Pieces

The best thing I heard last week was someone referring to BitCoin as Dunning-Krugerrands. (Even you haven’t heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect, we’ve all been living it.)

I love trains. I come from a family of train enthusiasts. They like antique trains, I am all about the Shinkansen. In college I took the overnight train between Moscow and St. Petersburg, which was all romantic and mysterious, and that’s since been replaced by high-speed rail.

Any train ride is better than either driving or flying in terms of comfort. With a few exceptions, Americans really haven’t gotten the memo on this one. Most domestic exposure to the joy of rail probably happens at Disneyland.

So, I am excited about that particularly unrealistic aspect of the proposed Green New Deal. Get aboard!

— Erika Hall (@mulegirl)

What’s Up With The Web

On the latest episode, the amazing Jen Simmons, currently Designer Advocate at Mozilla, joins us for a wide-ranging conversation. We cover the latest advances in CSS, the trouble with remix culture, and speculate a bit about the future of self-publishing now that platforms have proven a bit problematic.

— Voice of Design (@VOD_Rocks)



Mule Design Studio
Mule Design Studio

Your stubborn design problem will meet its match at Mule. We get things done and show you how.