What does the new “Convenience Assistance Service” (“顺道帮忙服务”) concept mean in our evolving sharing economy?

Ralph Liu
Published in
3 min readJul 5, 2018

Many people who first heard of our new MuleChain venture would say, “Oh, I know of another XYZ start-up company who is also doing similar P2P delivery services”. This is how people usually learn about new things, i.e. using their existing knowledge base to gain a new understanding of what is incrementally new.

Let me focus on what is incrementally new about MuleChain. The P2P (peer-to-peer) concept was made possible by the Internet technology almost 30 years ago. The decentralization concept was made feasible by the blockchain technology less than 10 years ago. Along with these new technology enabled inventions in business concepts and methods came the sharing economy and the expansion of the independence of and hence popularity by the workers in the gig economy.

MuleChain is focused on providing the global decentralized P2P delivery and temporary warehouse services for the people and by the people. What does it really mean and what is really new about the MuleChain services in terms of inventing a new type of economic utility?

When a Requester engages a Mule or drops of a package at a Pack Station on the MuleChain platform, most likely there is a high percentage of probability that the Mule or the Pack Station Owner would not have to spend much more additional resources to accommodate this required service made by the Requester. The Mule is already making the trip to the destination anyway and the Pack Station Owner was going to stay at home watching football games on TV anyway. All the Mule dose is to open up his luggage and make some additional space available for someone else’s parcel. All the Pack Station Owner does is to pause the TV, stand up and open the door for somebody twice.

These “anyways” are exactly what is new in economic concept creation about the MuleChain’s services. In my previous blog about how much global energy could be saved by the popularity of MuleChain’s new services in the future, I have coined this new concept “Convenience Assistance Service” (“顺道帮忙服务”). It is in this aspect that our MuleChain venture would distinguish ourselves among all the other “decentralized” or “P2P” services in existence today.

Unlike Uber, where a new type of dedicated drivers replaces the current taxi drivers, or unlike Tesla, where the new type of electric energy powers the car instead of having gasoline powers the car. There are no new usages of this convenience concept and there is no global saving of energy consumption. Their inventive services just replace another older way of energy consumption or replace an older group of dedicated workers.

Therefore the type of sharing that MuleChain provides would mean much more than sharing the goods and properties with other people in the sharing economy. MuleChain has taken it further to share the “excess resources” in terms of time and space that each one of us may have in our daily life. If not properly utilized, these daily excess resources each one of us possesses, will simply go up in smoke.

By sharing some of them with other people in need is exactly what is the new concept of “convenience assistance service” (“顺道帮忙服务”) is all about. The most important point of turning this concept into a new business method is that you will get paid for it if you do share it. Furthermore, sharing these under-utilized resources of time and space each one of us has everyday collectively will also save tremendous unnecessary global energy waste.



Ralph Liu

An Unchained Investment Banker Turned Technologist High on Blockchain