We Are Multeez

Mattan Yuger
Published in
5 min readMar 29, 2022

Time is relative, so they say, but it never felt so true as in web3.

It’s been 7 months since Multeez was conceived, but it might as well have been 7 years as it seems like we’re living in dog years. The landscape is moving so fast, it’s barely recognizable from where we started. We’ve been flying under the radar and tunnel-visioned with all the exciting work, that we haven’t had the chance to talk about who we are, and what we’ve come here to do.

Multeez was founded on its founders’, Idan Angel and Tal Dadia, dream to lead the way into the new age of experiences and build the shared NFT economy. A vision that is so grand yet so concrete, that it has blown away some of the top minds, and top-tier VC firms, who quickly bought into the idea. And with that, our work has begun with a team of 3, that quickly multiplied into an apex unit of 17 strong, and counting. All locked in on the vision, passionate about its infinite potential, and everyone with eyes on the prize.

Work hard. Play hard.

Mass adaptation is still the buzzword and holy grail that everyone is looking for. High entry bars, volatile gas prices, and messy procedures are just some of the blocks which clog the NFT bottleneck. So what have people always done in the face of challenges? Joined hands as a community, and pulled resources. Mutual ownership is not the magic answer for everything, but it does invite everyone who’s waiting on the sidelines, priced out of the game, to join the party.

If you build it, they will come.

The problems are complex, full of unknown unknowns, yet the potential for a social and seamless platform that offers creative and tangible solutions to hit the mainstream fast-forward button is endless. But how do you envision solutions for problems that haven’t been solved or answers for questions that haven’t been asked? Well, just like Alice, you turn the looking glass and start asking the right questions. Is buying NFTs a social experience, or is it just a lone wolf game?

With that in mind, we set off on our journey to prove what we already felt in our hearts; people want to own and share NFTs together. We’re not talking about splitting NFTs, or owning a little piece of the pie by yourself, rather the full social experience of real mutual ownership. It all came together late last year when we released our Alpha platform into the world.

Hard work, dedication, and passion are a given, but the rest was anyone’s guess. Fortunately, it wasn’t long before the Metaverse gave us the signals and guidance we were looking for.

It’s the community (3.0), stupid.

Community 3.0 discover page

No doubt, Innovative protocols, and slick features are something cool to brag about, but it’s the community that did the real magic trick; it’s what glues this whole thing together and breathes life into any neat PowerPoint presentation. It was only when our first community gathered, with a common passion for art, to make a purchase, that we learned that excitement is contagious; It’s a collective experience that is both a multiplier and amplifier of any effort. And just like that, we made our first step into the meta.

Since then, we have been working with private groups of investors, crypto clubs, NBA ballers, and collaborated with one amazing community of desperate ape wives. Each DAO, with its own personality, group dynamics that unfold in real-time, and different ambitions. The feedback loop is never-ending as we’re constantly learning, adapting, and reinventing the community 3.0, for everyone who shares the vision and wants in on the fun.

We offer game-changing decentralized innovations that are tailor-made for DAOs to socialize, reach actionable and democratic decisions, and gather around a collective passion to own NFTs together.

Welcome to the age of experiences.

Now, this is where things get really interesting. We’re not here to brag, we know the work has just begun and if anything, the endless opportunities ahead only humble us. There’s a lot that can’t be revealed, as we’re still in stealth mode, but we must emphasize that our vision is far wider, and so much more ambitious than what our Alpha provides right now.

As I’m writing this, the team next to me is already working on our Beta, which will offer a much more immersive and inherently social, web3 experience. We’re in a race mentality, and we’re obsessed with staying in front of the curve and ahead of the game. Especially as NFTs will inevitably reach their next evolution, from collectibles into new content territories of entertainment, live streams, and real-life/metaverse experiences.

While it’s impossible to predict exactly what the web3 future holds, it’s clear that creators will play a pivotal role in it. It’s their content that inspires the hearts, minds, and attention of billions, so it’s only natural that they hold the keys for mass adaption. They produce a constant stream of value and unlocking value is inherent to the web3 promise; So It seems painfully obvious they must control their own economy, without being dependent on the whims of a few giant centralized players;

And that’s exactly where we’re spearheading our efforts, NFTizing content and monetizing passion.

Join the revolution

If you want to be a part of the revolution and looking for ways to get involved, sign up for our Private Alpha Platform, reach out to us on Twitter, follow all the latest updates, and join the conversation.

See you on the other side.



Mattan Yuger
Writer for

Content Junkie, Storyteller, Pop culture geek, NFT enthusiast & Hummus lover. @MattanYuger