Why Cross-chain is Important: How MultiPad is Fueling the Multi-chain Future

Aydan Flemmings
Published in
4 min readJul 16, 2021

If you scan the multitude of blockchain launchpads in today’s market, you’ll find some common ground between them, the majority of which is not very appealing for project developers or investors. Are you planning to invest in a project on ETH? Be prepared to dish out over $200 on gas fees to simply claim IDO tokens alone. Are you hoping for a decent allocation percentage? Not likely. Even with as much as $5,000 worth of native tokens, you’ll receive a fraction of what you expected from standard launch pads.

Also, don’t forget the need to accumulate a multitude of different tokens to participate across various blockchains. This is not only confusing but also brings us back to our first point about more annoying fees.

MultiPad tackles these pain points in the current market by providing a versatile all-in-one solution with a launchpad that won’t bleed your wallet with expensive fees, and equally as important, will function across several key networks.

MultiPad: Removing the Limits Imposed by Existing Launchpads

MultiPad is a decentralized launchpad that is governed entirely by its community. We support projects with resources such as marketing, technical assistance, go-to-market strategies, influencer networking, and wherever else we can provide assistance to accelerate growth.

Unlike other launchpads in the current market, MultiPad doesn’t limit their projects to just one blockchain. Instead, it functions across several key networks such as Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, and Avalanche, with plans to incorporate Solana and Cardano shortly.

However, this does not indicate the need to hold a variety of tokens to participate in IDOs across these platforms, quite the contrary. MultiPad offers multi-chain interoperability by simply holding $MPAD tokens.

This convenient and cost-effective method is the first of its kind and benefits project developers and investors alike. It gives projects the exposure needed to raise capital across a broader range of blockchains, while at the same time, providing investors with a home base to access all of the top-tier projects they wish to contribute to.

Fair and Balanced Allocations

While on the subject of contributing to projects, it’s important to understand the distinct approach MultiPad takes towards allocations from IDOs. Investors will be eligible for a lottery allocation for staking 10,000 MPAD 24 hours before an IDO, and those who win their lottery ticket will receive a very fair allocation.

Are you tired of “gas wars” that lead to spending hundreds of dollars just to have the chance to contribute, or worse, prevent you from being able to contribute at all? The Multipad team knows how frustrating this scenario is and alleviates that stress by ensuring whitelist lottery winners receive guaranteed allocation in round one, thus eliminating the need for jacked-up gas prices.

Additionally, MultiPad will implement a cool down mechanism called “bad luck protection”, to ensure the process is fair for all participants. This feature analyzes the data from previous IDOs and helps to increase the chances of winning for community members who lost out in earlier token sale lotteries.

The Elite Tier Has Arrived

We are also very excited to introduce the benefits for wallets staking more than 200,000 $MPAD. These wallets will automatically receive a guaranteed allocation in all of our upcoming IDOs, as they will be classified as part of our ELITE tier. Keep in mind that social media tasks (i.e. shilling) are not required if your wallet is in this tier, but it wouldn’t upset us in the least if you put the word out anyways.

Committed to Our Community

Ultimately, the goal for us is to ensure that the balance of power lies in the hands of our entire community, and not early investors that hoard MPAD at ground floor prices. This model has already been applied to countless other launchpads and has proven to be detrimental to balanced community governance. MultiPad makes certain that all community members, whether they are VCs or retail investors, will have an equal voice as it applies to key governance privileges such as voting, staking, and winning valuable IDO lotteries.

About MultiPad

MultiPad is a community-governed, decentralized multi-chain powered launchpad, enabling startups to raise funds. MultiPad will partner with projects and help them with marketing, go-to-market strategies, technical advice and assistance. MultiPad will be partnering with projects that show strong passion and a promising vision for DeFi. Our partners — including WealthUnion, Dutch Crypto Investors, Topkek, CSPDAO and OIG — are aligned with our promise to be “committed to community”, and our community is everyone who has a stake in MultiPad, including strategic investors, community investors and IDO project partners.

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